The Girl In The Box

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What if Teresa was awake when she came up in the Box? 🤔


The loud sound of engines and metal clinging onto metal is what startles her from her unconscious state.

She looks around panicked, her dark hair sticking to her forehead as small drops of sweat fall from her temples.

Where is she?

She tries to stand up, but suddenly the strange thing she was caged in starts moving faster, immediately pushing her to the metallic, cold ground beneath her, causing her to fall with a loud thump.

However, after a few seconds, everything turns silent and the box stops moving.

The girl is curled up on a corner, her arms embracing her legs as if in protection. Her heart is beating extremely fast as if it could burst out of her rib cage just to beat even strongly outside. Her breathing is still picking a fast pace as her eyes dart everywhere around her.

She only knows her name.

They only close shut when a huge glint of light starts blooming from the top of the cage.

She hears and sees as two metal doors open and a lot of figures and silhouettes fill her eyesight, but she can't quite make out their faces due to the excruciating light.

"It's a girl..." she hears a strange, accented voice comment as someone lowers to her level, looking surprised when he looks at her face.

She retrieves from the movement immediately, curling herself even more in the corner she is sitting in.

"It's alright, no one's gonna hurt you. We just want to take you out of there."

Maybe it's the tone on the blonde  boy's voice, or the way he stretches his hand for her to take it, that she feels like she can trust him for now.

Teresa is met with confused glances, surprised even, but she's overall welcome. They let her stay alone for some minutes, managing to put the little information she had received in order.

She's stopped by the same boy from earlier. Newt, she thinks.

He's accompanied by another tall boy, a brunette one, with light brown eyes and small moles splattered all over his cheeks.

The girl doesn't know why, but for some reason, the fact that this place she knows absolutely nothing about, besides realizing that they're surrounded by walls, seems kinda familiar.

And this boy? Deep down she feels like she knows him somehow.

You're being silly. She thinks for herself. There's no way you recognize him.

"Okay, Greenie, Tommy here will show you around for a bit while I check on everyone, alright?"

Teresa nods, her eyes darting from Newt to the other boy beside him.

"Do you remember your name?" The boy asks softly, his voice turning low as he asks.


Newt nods with a surprised but honest smile on his face, then proceeds to pat the other boy on the shoulder. "This is Thomas, he came up just like you did a few days ago, so he'll be helping you around here for a awhile, alright? Don't worry, you'll be in good hands."

When Newt leaves the two newbies behind, Teresa doesn't waste more time to start with the questions.

"Where are we? Why can't I remember anything? And why are those walls around us?"

She shuts up almost immediately when she sees the defeated look on the boy's face.

He shakes his head comprehensively. "We don't know."

Thomas guides them throughout the whole Glade, pointing and explaining all the jobs and telling the names of the boys he has already memorized.

Teresa points up to a small platform fixed on a tree, causing Thomas to show a small smile and walk up the wooden stairs to there, sitting on the edge when they get up.

"What's over there?" Her head nods towards the grey big walls ahead of them, and Thomas lets out a small sigh.

"To be honest, nobody knows." He says, looking down at his hands. "Nobody has been inside of it and survived to tell about it."

She looks up at him, her eyes wide, asking him with her expression to continue.

"Though we have people going in there during the day, if they stay inside when those doors close, they don't make it back." He continues, moving his hands to emphasize his statements. "It's been like this for three years."

All the new information makes Teresa's head spin in confusion, fear, and slight panic as she thinks there's no way out of that place. But this is no time to be afraid. If there are people there who live normally, so will she.

She decides to turn the conversation around to another topic. A less heavy one. She doesn't want to know anything more about this place, at least for now.

"There's only boys here?" She asks a little bit less anxious, and watches as Thomas' eyebrows lift up on his forehead, pursing his lips together as he nods slowly.

"Yep. You're the first girl that ever came up here. Especially with that letter. I think that's gotten them a little bit shaken up." He retorts matter of factly, watching as all the Keepers discuss the current situation they're in.

"And you aren't?" Her voice is low, so soft that Thomas almost doesn't hear, but he does.

It's been running inside his head, too, how this girl never caused any stress on him ever since she came up a few hours ago, but almost the opposite.

It's like he's known her and he recognizes her in some way, but he can't remember anything from his past, so he shakes the thought out of his mind. There's no way he would know her, right?

"No..." he answers just as softly, looking to the side to see the girl looking intently at him, her blue eyes bright with the sunlight hitting them.

They exchange small smiles, and for some reason unknown to both of them, they feel like they can trust each other with anything they want.

They can't explain why, or talk about it with each other, they just know it.

Because yes, they're so much more than two teenagers with their memories taken away from them.

They've been friends in another time, even best friends. They've been together through all the hard times, and that's not something that simply vanishes with a wicked trial.

There is no bond like theirs.



First one shot up!

Hope you like it and never forget that I love you! ❤

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