Wisdom Tooth

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Okay I have such random ideas for these one shots that I even surprise myself sometimes 😂

You're probably already guessing what's going to be just by the title but I hope you find it funny and cute at the same time 😄


Teresa had been bugging her friend's mind about at least think about the possibility of going to the dentist for a quick check up ever since she saw him trying his best to cope with the pain on his teeth.

He would deny, of course, explaining that it wasn't really important and it would go away eventually with a few pain killers.

But here's the deal: Thomas is stubborn.

But, through all that stubbornness without apparent end, he isn't dumb.

He knew all too well what it was right from the beginning. And he also knew that obviously it wouldn't go away with a few light pain killers.

But he's so, so persistent that even in pain, the boy just wouldn't find the courage to make an appointment to check on his oral health. He swore at the time that he would rather live in slight pain than get knocked out only to suffer with even more pain afterwards.

But somehow, Teresa had knocked some sense into that silly head of his, finally convincing the boy to do something about that.

Which brings them to this exact moment.

"Okay, please tell my family I love them, got it? And Newt, and Minho, and-"

"Thomas, you're not going to die because of this." Teresa's annoyed and slightly amused tone is heard through the walls of the clinic, her eyes darting to the fidgety boy beside her.

He hasn't calmed down since they got inside the car.

"I don't even know why you got me into this when I told you very specifically that I didn't want to come here. You knew it." Thomas retorts, looking back at her eyes and frowning a bit at the smile that is starting to form on the girl's face.

"That's because you know I worry about you enough for you to actually hear me." Teresa says as Thomas narrows his eyes at her playfully, before returning to his previous position, elbows on his knees with his hands supporting his head by the chin.

The two aren't exactly together. They're close friends, best friends, whatever they want to be. And although both notice sometimes how their eyes lock into one another's a little bit longer than it should, they don't say a word.

Their friendship is too important to be jeopardized by teenage feelings.

"Tom, you'll be just fine. A little bit groggy in the end, maybe, but you'll survive." Teresa chuckles at the situation, earning another glare by Thomas and another giggle leaving her mouth.

A few minutes later, Thomas' name is called by a nurse and he walks towards one of the rooms where he'll be treated, his body shaking slightly with nerves as he does so, but when he looks back before walking the threshold and sees Teresa nodding her head with a small smile on her lips in reassurance, the boy calms a slight bit.


The car ride is definitely one to remember for the rest of her life, in Teresa's perspective.

She has never seen a person switch their emotions so rapidly, from laughing hysterically with something all but funny, to literally crying because 'the birds should talk like we all do'.

That's exactly what happens when Teresa drives Thomas home.

"Have you seen my nose?" Teresa hears the boy sitting on the passenger seat ask with a muffled voice due to all the white gauze shuffled into his mouth.

It's a real challenge for Teresa not to start laughing at her best friends' confused face.

"Your nose is right where it belongs." She answers, a smile on her face as she takes a peek to the side to see the boy looking down at his nose.

He takes a few seconds examining it, and then Teresa watches as his expression turns into utterly shock.

"I have two noses?!" He exclaims, his tone sounding desperate and water starting to form on his eyes. "Why do I have two noses?!"

Teresa loses it right there.

A huffed chuckle leaves her mouth as she turns to the road Thomas' house is in, and she's tempted to tell him that he sees two noses because he has two different perspectives of it due to his eyes, but she can't find the willpower to say it.

Besides, she knows it's all a side effect from the anesthesia and, to her surprise, she's having quite fun hearing Thomas rambling about the dumbest things.

They reach his front door a few moments later, and with the key Thomas had given her previously (before they went to the clinic, already knowing the state he would be at in the end) Teresa opens the door, one hand gripping Thomas' upper arm to support him.

His parents aren't home until evening due to their jobs, so Teresa takes responsibility into taking care of him for a few hours. She doesn't mind, though. It wouldn't be the first time they've trusted each other to that task.

After another nonsense remark from the boy, Teresa sits him on the couch, accommodating him with pillows and a blanket, before she leaves to get him some painkillers.

He takes them without complaining, the two sitting next to each other with the blanket now on top of both.

Teresa would pay attention to the TV if it weren't for Thomas looking at her so intensely like he is now. She turns to look at him, and when he doesn't look away, her eyebrows rise in wonder.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" The boy smiles softly, his once parted lips joining in a slight grin.

"I like you." He says, his voice equally soft as his eyes focus once more on hers.

Teresa is slightly taken aback by the statement, but she blames it on the said drug.

"I like you, too." She says matter of factly, because yes, she likes him and she's sure he likes her too. Or else they wouldn't be such close friends.

Thomas shakes his head a bit, eyes closing only to open afterwards.

"No, I really like, really like you."

Teresa feels her cheeks getting warmer and a smile forms on her lips as she turns her gaze to her joined hands in her lap, and eventhough she knows it's not exactly conscious Thomas speaking, she can feel a slight tone of honesty and reality to it.

And, even if Thomas isn't completely himself at the moment, what's the problem? He won't remember for sure half of the things they spoke that day. And so why not tell him too what she feels?

Thomas has seemed to lose his track of thoughts, because he's already looking at his surroundings with a face of pure amazement.

"I like you, too." Teresa repeats, but this time, the tone is completely different. More intimate. More truthfully.

Thomas wipes his head in her direction, his eyes opening wide with surprise.

"Wh-What?" The muffled sound leaves his mouth and Teresa can't help but chuckle at that.

"I like you, Tom. A lot."

And when Teresa thought the car ride had been the highlight of that day, she didn't know the huge smile that formed on Thomas' face after she said those words would stay glued to her head for the rest of the day; night; week; for the rest of her life.


I hope you enjoyed!

I really had fun writing this because it's just funny only by imagining it, really 😂

See you veeeery soon!

Love you! ❤

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