When We Were Eighteen

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Some "future" thomesa for you all because I think we all deserve it 😜

I hope you enjoy!


"What do you mean you're okay with this? This is all but okay!" Thomas exclaims, pacing around his and Teresa's bedroom incessantly.

Teresa, who is comfortingly sitting down under the covers reading a book, decides that she won't be able to reach her goal of reading 75 pages a day and places the book on her bedside table carefully, given the distress her husband is currently in.

She chuckles at his frustration, shaking her head in amusement as she takes a look at the man in front of her. Brows furrowed, fingers scratching his chin in thought and eyes focusing on everything but nothing at the same time.

"Tom, she is sixteen." Teresa tries to reason, but it results in a shrug of shoulders from Thomas.

"And? She's still too young to know those kinds of things. How is she supposed to know that she loves a boy when she is still sixteen?" Thomas retorts, arms moving in exasperation as he comes to a stop in the middle of their room. "And it had to be Minho's kid? Really?"

Teresa tries really hard not to laugh at Thomas' burst of frustration. He has been holding it in since morning when Teresa had told him their daughter was 'in love' with Minho's son, who's the same age as her.

"Let her love the people she wants." Teresa replies softly, pulling the covers down before standing up and walk to her husband. "It's not like you don't know him anyway. He's a good kid."

His eyes soften when she gets closer to him, placing her hands on his mid section as his go to her lower back.

He heaves out a sigh. "I know. But still..." He lowers his gaze to her eyes, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "How are you so calm about this?"

Teresa chuckles, her hands going up to his shoulders. "Don't you remember how we were like?"

"It's different with us, you know that." And it is. They had to go through so much teenagers from now wouldn't even think about anything like that. "And we were eighteen." He adds, a pout forming on his lips.

Teresa quickly kisses it away. "Why are you so reluctant about this?"

The dark haired woman allows her husband a few minutes to think, all the while playing with the hair at the nape of his neck the way he loves so much when her hands wrap around it.

"Because... she's still our baby, and she will always be." Thomas answers softly. "I can't let anyone hurt our baby girl, you know?"

Teresa only smiles, blue eyes shining with his bright brown ones. "Could you get any cuter?" She whispers lightly.

Thomas huffs with a grin before turning serious once again. "Seriously. I don't want her getting hurt over boys. I know how they work."

Teresa, understanding her husband's dilemma, puts on a more serious face. "You can't simply tell her she can't have a boyfriend-"

"I didn't-"

"I know you didn't." Teresa retorts. "But I think she needs and deserves to be and feel loved in a different kind of way as well. She loves him and he had already let out that he feels the same way. And if something goes wrong, she will eventually learn that sometimes things aren't just meant to be." Teresa explains, emphasizing her words with her hands shaking Thomas' shoulders slightly. "Let her learn it for herself."

Thomas listens intently to her words, eyes never leaving hers as she speaks. He eventually nods, understanding what his wife is trying to say.

"Alright." He murmurs, frowning slightly at the word but accepting it with no other choice. "But if he even thinks about doing something to her he's going to have a good time with me."

"Please don't scare the kid." Teresa smirks, eyes shining with adoration at Thomas.

"I won't promise you anything." He smiles briefly before tugging Teresa into his arms.


I know it's short but I think it would be cute this way 😁

Do you like more future thomesa one shots or you prefer the ones more connected to the original story (like in the maze runner universe)?
I like to switch in between them but if there's a theme you guys prefer, I'll gladly take it.

I hope you enjoyed it and until next time!

Love you! ❤

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