Salty Kisses

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Okay there's a HUGE fluffy one because I mIsS wRiTiNg FlUfF and I love it so much! 😍


"Tom, come on!" Teresa calls out as she runs down the beach towards the sea, her face so delighted Thomas can swear she's brighter than the Sun. And she is for him.

Thomas doesn't hesitate to follow a bit behind her, his expression turning into a smile as well as he watches her get into the water and dive into it for a quick moment to refresh herself as the hot Sun of summer days hits her skin.

People laughing and kids playing in the sand is a sound Thomas will never get tired of. He knows how difficult their lives were, just like the people beside him, and he feels relieved to know that they finally got to the Safe Haven in safety.

He continues to run, the sand getting wet as he gets closer to the shore.

The boy splashes the water with his feet as he gets in as well, giving large steps to reach the girl he's planning to live with for the rest of his life faster.

Once he reaches her, the war begins.

Teresa is the first to splash him in the face, causing the boy to flinch a bit as the fresh water hits his warm skin.

"Oh, it's on." Thomas mumbles to himself as a smirk forms on his lips.

With the water slightly above their waist level, the two young adults splash each other with no apparent mercy, giving out loud chuckles and giggles and sometimes gasps when the water hits them on the face. Despite being almost twenty two (Thomas almost twenty one) , Teresa and Thomas enjoy playing with each other time to time, as a reminder that they once were kids as well, but only now could they do things kids do naturally.

"Okay, okay, I give up!" Teresa squeals and covers her head as water falls on top of her, Thomas taking advantage of her protective movement to splash her even more.

He stops gradually after more pleading from Teresa.

Even though they're both completely breathless from the activity, that smile that is reserved only for one another is still there since the beginning. They never get tired of each other.

Thomas takes small steps towards her, and Teresa gives some back, playing in the defensive.

"If you even think about splashing me once again, I swear I'll-" She starts with a threatening, playful tone but stops mid sentence when Thomas rises his arms in a way to tell her he wouldn't do anything.

And then a smirk forms on his lips.

"You'll what?" He lowers his arms and when he walks towards her again, she doesn't move an inch.

Teresa looks away from his beautiful brown eyes that are looking intensely into hers so she doesn't give away her incredible strong will to let him win.

"I will..." She sees through the corner of her eyes Thomas' eyebrows lifting up of curiosity and that goofy smile of his screaming at her to give up.

And, even if Teresa isn't a girl to give up so easily, she does this time.

"You won't do anything..." Thomas affirms when she opens her mouth to talk, only to close it again with a small pout on her lips due to him knowing her so well. He takes a few more steps towards Teresa until there's literally no space between them, and he holds on tightly to her hips. "... because you love me."

The way his voice gets slightly pitched when he says the word love is enough to cause a fit of laughter to leave Teresa's mouth. She's still not used to Thomas being so adorable when he expresses feelings, and she's sure she will never be.

She smiles softly before wrapping her arms around his neck, looking up at him as he looks down at her due to their height difference.

"That I do." She affirms, playing absentmindedly with the now slightly wet hair on Thomas' neck, softly tugging him down to bring their foreheads together.

It's moments like this that the two of them thank whoever put them there for letting them live. Sure they don't agree with the lives they had before the Safe Haven, but there are some things they couldn't be more appreciated of having. Some of those things being having each other and having met such good friends such as Newt, Minho and Fry. They truly couldn't have asked for anything better than that.

"I still can't believe how lucky we are..." Teresa's voice is a low whisper as the soft breeze hits their bodies. "We're here, safe, with no more Trials and tests. We've lost many people, yes, but we're here for them. We survived."

Thomas nods softly, his right hand coming up from underwater to cup her left cheek. "Yeah... we did." Thomas says and after taking a deep breath (more of relief than anything else) he caresses her cheek sweetly, remembering all too well he was a little too close to losing her all those years ago. "It feels weird for me as well, you know? Not having to run for our lives every minute."

"I feel the same."

The two stay like that for some moments, until Thomas bends down to take Teresa's lips on his because heck, every single time those flashes of memories fill his mind her lips are the only thing he can find sanity in. They give him a ground to stand on when his own is starting to crumble. They keep him grounded and safe. And he knows it's the same for her.

Their eyes close immediately as their lips brush together, not entirely touching but enough to cause that fuzzy feeling inside both their stomachs. Neither of them leans in completely, just the light touch of their lips being the key to open the door to comfort and happiness.

Until Thomas can't wait anymore.

A small chuckle leaves Teresa's mouth as Thomas leans in completely, finally kissing her softly with as much passion as he can put in at the moment, and everything around them turns to nothing compared to their little moment.

The sound of the children laughing is completely zoned out of their heads, just like the sound of the seagulls around them.

It's like there's only them in the entire world and their salty lips clasped together.

"I..." Thomas starts when they break the kiss, stopping his sentence to give Teresa another kiss. "Love..." he repeats the same actions, a grin on his face as he hears Teresa's giggles. "You." Thomas places a small kiss on her nose as he lifts his head to look down at her.

Teresa unclasps her hands from his neck to place them on each side of his cheeks, and it's her turn to kiss him full on the lips, passionately and sweet.

"And I love you. "

Thomas can't help but steal another kiss from the smiley black haired girl looking up at him.



This was extra fluff for me and I almost forgot how much I love writing these 😂

Hope you like it!

Love you!! ❤

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