We'll Make It Work

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Hello guys!

Given that it's almost New(t) Year here where I live, I decided to write an extra fluffy one shot for you guys because you deserve it 😀

I hope you have an amazing New Year, full of happiness and people you love around you, and that all your dreams come true!!! 😊

Happy 2019! 🎉

(Ps: this happens in real life, no wckd or experiments or anything that could possibly hurt our babies 😂)


"Tom, I don't know if I'll be able to make it there on time..."

Teresa's voice heard through his phone is low, cracking slightly over the thought of not being able to go home and be with her boyfriend in such an important time of the year.

She's been away from town because of work for 4 days, as being a successful Doctor takes a lot of effort not only to keep up with all the new inventions in medicine, but also to find time to be with the ones she loves and cares about.

It breaks both their hearts, knowing that she won't be able to come home to celebrate New Year's Eve with Thomas and their friends, but it breaks Thomas' heart the most knowing she will start a new year alone.

"Don't worry about it, just do what you need to do, and we'll work things out. We'll make it work." Thomas assures, sitting on the couch with a sad smile on his face. "We always do."

He hears her sigh of frustration on the other side and he knows he hasn't convinced her yet.

"I just wanted to be with you there before midnight..." she says, and Thomas feels his heart skip a beat over the sweetness in her voice. Even after eight years, they still feel the same they did when they were younger. "I think this will end soon, anyway. I'll just catch a plane and try my best to be there on time."

The conference she is in started around two hours ago, and she found time through the ten minute break to call Thomas. He can tell by the tone on her voice that she's getting slightly upset. It would be the first year they would start without being together at the same place.

"There's still time, Ter. And, look, even if you don't make it here in time, you will tomorrow, and it will be just as great as it would have been if you were here today. What matters is you being safe. Don't worry about that, okay?" Thomas sighs as she takes a deep breath as well.

After some seconds, her voice is heard again. "Okay."

The two stay in silence for some moments, simply enjoying each other's presence.

"I have to go now, Tom. I'll call you to let you know what my fate is."

Both of them chuckle lightly over the phone, the previous disappointment vanishing from their conversation.

"Alright, and please don't freak out, okay? I couldn't be more proud of you for being there, even if it is the day it is. I love you."

"Thanks, Tom... I love you, too."

And they both finish the call, with Thomas returning to the kitchen to help Minho, Newt, Frypan, Harriet and all the others who will spend the celebration at his house like usual, and Teresa walks towards the white room again, sitting on her chair while high experienced Doctors from around the world talk about the new explendid invention.


"So, what about Teresa? Is she coming after all?" Newt asks softly as he pats Thomas' shoulder, who has entered the kitchen with a lowered head but a smile formed on his lips.

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