I'm Your Idiot

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Hello guys!

You can't even imagine how much I've missed writing these kind of stuff...
The tests are finally over, so I have less things going on inside my head (also, school ends today for me, yay!) and therefore I'll have more time to write.

There are only exams left by the end of the month, so I'll really only come back to my usual schedule by August, maybe.

Thank you for all your support and being patient with me, and to "reward" you for it, I'll probably not end this book so soon... there will be more chapters until I wrap it up. 😊

Enjoy this cute, fluffy one because I'm just in the mood... 😂

Let's get to the story then...


She stared at her reflection in the mirror, her raven black hair cascading down her small figure as she wandered her shiny blue eyes through her body, finally stopping by her stomach. It was getting bigger each day, and with it came the uneasy yet enthusiastically feeling of being a mother. She had been waiting for so long, and so did her husband, therefore the news made them feel as if they were the only ones on this Earth.

Her hands rested on her swollen belly, caressing the little human that had been living inside of her stomach for seven months already, and Teresa quirked her head sideways, deep in thought.

"I look like a potato..."

The murmur didn't go unnoticed by Thomas, who was plopped down on their bed, with his eyelids closed, his arms stretched on the mattress. Lifting his head, his eyes searched her with a quizzical shine in them.

"You look like a what?" He chuckled despite himself.

"You heard what I said, Tom... Look at how big I am!" Teresa turned around to face her husband with a small pout on her lips, crossing her arms on her chest as if offended that Thomas was smiling over something so frustrating to her.

Thomas took his time standing up, still with a grin on his face, knowing better than anyone that even though Teresa loved being pregnant (she said that all the time) she hated when she was sleepy and the baby inside of her wouldn't let her sleep in her favorite position. Not to mention the backaches. She would get extremely edgy and Thomas learned to calm her down over time.

Teresa followed his figure with her eyes as he approached her slowly, the glint never leaving his eyes ever since she had told him he was going to be a father.

He reached her easily, his arms coming from behind her as she turned her body to the mirror once again. Thomas placed his hands on her belly, on top of hers, his chin fitting perfectly between her neck and shoulder.

"I can't even sleep like I used to because this little guy here likes to make a rave out of my body." Teresa ranted in despair, though her smile gave away the playfulness in her. She felt a small breeze of air hitting her neck when Thomas laughed quietly, and she allowed herself to close her eyes and enjoy the moment.

"He'll be out here with us sooner or later, you'll see."

"Yeah, and it will be harder than it is now..." She smiled softly. "But we'll manage."

"Of course we will."

Thomas placed a small kiss on her temple before straightening up and spinning Teresa in his arms so she could face him. He was met with beautiful blue eyes.

Thomesa ~ One Shots [Volume II]Where stories live. Discover now