Sweet Valentine

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Hello guys! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
One shot requested by dory234. I changed it a tiny bit so I could fit it with the plot, but the main idea is still there 😄

Also, if you're not entirely comfortable with "more than kiss on the lips", I warn you to not read this one shot (or read until I tell you to). I don't want, in any way, disturb your innocent minds 😂

Without any further ado, let's get to the story!


Things had been frenetic in the clinic. The amount of people and patients had been like no other day and Teresa could say that she was waiting for the day to end as soon as possible. It was almost 6pm and she was still attending an old woman, but thankfully she was going home afterwards.

Forty five minutes later she said goodbye to her colleagues and headed home. It would always be her favourite time of the day. She knew there was always someone waiting patiently for her to come, and after so many years, she still felt thrilled and excited to see him with that goofy smile of his that he wears so easily whenever she'd arrive from work.

That day was no exception, of course. She came home to a six year old boy jumping right into her arms, wrapping his small ones around her neck.

"Hello baby." Teresa smiled as she bent down to place the boy on his feet, her arms still wrapped loosely around his body as she kissed his chubby cheek. "Where's daddy?"

"In the kitchen." The boy giggled when Teresa kissed a ticklish spot, and quickly unwrapped himself from his mother's embrace to run to the kitchen, a smile plastered on his young face.

Teresa shook her head tenderly, taking off her coat and letting out a sigh of relief when her shoes came out of her feet.

Entering the kitchen, the sight before her eyes warmed her heart that she thought would never be completely full after all they've been through on their lives. They were finally at peace. Thomas had little Chuck sat on his left hip while his right hand was mixing some ingredients in a bowl. As if feeling her presence, Thomas turned his head to the door where she was standing at.

"Hey, sweetheart." Thomas greeted with a full smile on his lips as he took three large steps to get to her, bending down a bit to peck her on the lips, much to their son's protests. "How was your day?" He asked as he put Chuck down, ruffling his dark brown hair before the boy ran to the living room to play with his toys.

"Tiring. Looks like everyone decided to have appointments in the same day." Teresa spoke as she sat down on one of the chairs of the kitchen table, closing her eyes while her hand massaged her forehead.

Thomas chuckled despite the sight ahead of him. "It's what you get for being such a good professional." He stated, planting a tender kiss to her cheek before returning to his kitchen duty.

"Cooking dinner, huh?" Teresa smiled when she opened her eyes, looking at her husband working feverishly with the ingredients and bowls and kitchen utensils.

"Just wanted to surprise my beautiful wife." He winked as he took a glance at her, both grinning like they had just fallen in love.

Couldn't blame them really. It was Valentine's Day after all.

_______ (don't read more if not comfortable 😜)

"Aww Tom, this is beautiful!" Teresa exclaimed in a low tone - their kid was sleeping just down the corridor - as they opened the door to their room. Thomas wasn't the kind of hopeless romantic guy, but he definitely knew how to impress the love of his life when he wanted to. The room was mainly lit by candles and in the floor a trail of petals lead them to the bed, where a big heart shape was formed.

Thomesa ~ One Shots [Volume II]Where stories live. Discover now