Couch's Cushions

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This has only happened once before, too many years ago for Thomas to exactly remember the details to what brought him to the exact place he is laying on now, waiting for sleep to consume him. Yep. He's in the couch.

He audibly grunts at the sight of their brown couch, the comfortable one to chill during movie nights yet not so comfortable to sleep a full night on.

He gets a blanket from a basket on the floor next to the couch and makes himself as comfortable as possible with his head resting on his pillow and his long legs stretched all over the couch.

He can't help but feel guilty as he thinks about the dark haired girl sleeping on their room, all alone, without him to protect her from any danger.

Not that Thomas thinks she can't defend herself - he knows pretty well that she can kick some ass - but he feels uneasy knowing she's probably crying herself to sleep and there's absolutely nothing he can do about it.

This is all because of him.

"I don't know why I care so much about you!" The words slipped out of her mouth with anger, fury and sadness altogether, while tears welled up in her eyes.

"I don't know why care so much about you either! Everything I do is driving you to the edge these past few days!" Thomas retorts back, eyes wide but his expression giving signs of hurt and desperation.

However, nothing could have prepared them for his next words.

"And you know what? Maybe we should give each other some time!"

The two froze on the spot, their chests heaving deep breaths as they locked eyes intensely. Thomas' mouth was open agape, while Teresa's was closed in a thin line that the boy recognized as her attempt to contain the tears that were to fall from her eyes.
That was what brought him to the surface.

"Ter, I didn't me- "

"I'm going to bed." She turned her back on him, opening the bed to crawl under the comfy sheets that provided the warmth that she so much needed at the moment. Thomas knew she was mad, and angry, and insisting on the topic wasn't going to help.

When she threw him his pillow all his thoughts were confirmed.

He walked to the bedroom door, opening it slightly, turning the lights of the room off before stepping out.

"I love you." He murmured, still loud enough for her to hear it, but he knew she wasn't going to forgive him so soon when she didn't say it back.

Thomas finally finds a better position on the slight uncomfortable couch and closes his light brown eyes shut, sighing deeply before placing his hands beneath his face like he always does when he goes to sleep.

Teresa, on the other hand, keeps thrashing in her sleep, her arm stretching to the side to try and find the all too familiar body, hoping it was all a bad dream, but only finding emptiness.

That's when her eyes open from their closed state.

She sits on the bed, looking to the clock on the bedside table and reading that it's almost 4am. Her thoughts are now more organized and the rage from before is barely even there, leaving a feeling of guilt and regret inside her heart.

She knows that he hadn't meant to say those words. She knows that the boy sleeping downstairs just wants the best for her, and would do anything to keep her safe.

Teresa is also aware that he's right. She has been all but gentle to him these past few days. Not in a problematic way, of course, but she's been distant.
And the problem is that she only realized it now.

With tears in her eyes, she stands up, wrapping the fluffy robe her boyfriend had given her on their one year anniversary around her shivering body, and trots down the stairs to the living room.

She immediately makes out through the shadows his body laying uncomfortably on the cushions, his foot hanging on the side given to his height, and the feeling of guilt only aggravates at the sight.

She turns a lamp on, and proceeds to kneel beside him on the floor, her eyes locked on his peaceful face.

Her right hand caresses his hair as the other traces the pattern of moles on his face, paying particular attention to the ones on his cheeks.

Teresa doesn't notice he's awake until he wipes a tear from her pale cheek.

The girl immediately looks at his eyes, the ones that hold her entire world in them, the ones she fell in love with all those years ago.

The ones that are holding so much fear and regret at the moment.

"Teresa, I'm sorry. I didn't meant to say any of that, you know that. It just slipped out. I didn't even think about it." The boy says, his brows raised in retaliation as he props himself on his right elbow so that he can turn to her direction.

Teresa nods her head with a slight smile. "I know."

Thomas slumps on the couch again on his back, scooping a bit aside to give her some space to lay on, but the girl decides that laying on top of him is way more comfortable, so that's what she does. Thomas, of course, accepts her with open arms and a smile on his sleepy face.

"I'm sorry, too." She whispers, her head tucked beneath his chin, her arms wrapped around his torso while her ear presses against the steady beating of his heart. "I'm sorry I've been so distant of you lately."

He places a kiss to her head, his arms immediately wrapping around her waist tightly as she squeezes him as well.

"You know everything I do is just to protect you." Thomas whispers, caressing her hair with his hand.

"I know. And you should now that all I do is to protect you, too. Always have been. Always will be." She responds as she lifts her head to look at his caramel eyes.

"I know."

The two stay in silence, just listening to each other's breathing like they find themselves doing so many times with small, intimate smiles plastered on their faces.

After asking her why she came downstairs, since he thought she was sleeping already, she responds that she couldn't sleep without him by her side, saying that she needed him and couldn't imagine a life without him.

"I didn't say it back to you." She whispers a few moments later, causing for Thomas, who is almost sleeping, to mumble in an interrogation form.

"I love you." Teresa says, and she couldn't be more sure of those three little words that hold so much meaning than she is now.

She hears his smile rather than sees, and her heart pulls itself together at the sound.

"I love you, too."

And Thomas realizes that maybe the couch isn't that bad, because as long as he has his favourite person in the world next to him, not even the most uncomfortable place is felt as in that way.

As for Teresa, she can't help but feel a warm feeling on her body as she thinks that she's not the only one loving this man unconditionally inside this room.

The small human being living inside of her - still unknown to the father himself - loves him just as much as she does.

But that's a story for another time.


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Thomesa ~ One Shots [Volume II]Where stories live. Discover now