The One That Got Away

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Heyoo cuties!

This one shot was inspired by the song The One That Got Away by Katy Perry (I know, the song is quite old, but gold in my opinion 😂 I'm in a nostalgia mood these past few days)

I've wanted to use this song previously but I kind of delayed it but now here it is 😊

Enjoy! 💖


Summer after High School when we first met

We made out in your Mustang to Radiohead

And on my eighteenth birthday, we got matching tattoos

"Are you seeing that girl over there?" Thomas asked his friends as they were playing outside in the schoolyard.

Newt and Minho turned their heads the direction their friend was pointing at, their eyes laying on a beautiful little girl, her black wavery hair moving with the soft summer breeze as she smiled her toothless smile while talking to her friends.

"Her name's Teresa." The little boy added. "And I'm going to marry her someday."

Newt turned back around, his eyes narrowing in perplexity while Minho chocked on literally nothing. "Tommy, you're eight years old, like all of us. I don't even know what I'm doing tomorrow, how can you know you're going to marry that girl over there someday?"

Thomas shrugged his shoulders at the scolding. "Intuition."

Used to steal your parents' liquor, and climb to the roof

Talk about our future like we had a clue

Never planned that one day, I'd be losing you

During the ten years following that conversation, Thomas had studied hard and graduated from High School, all the while being friends with Teresa ever since 7th grade.

She was his everything. They would have fun together, cry together, watch cheesy, romantic movies when one would suffer from a break up, and literally do anything together, though their relationship was purely made out of great friendship created over the years.

To her, Thomas was her only true friend, because the ones who swore they would never leave her, were the ones who left, and Thomas stayed and offered her a kind smile that only he could manage, immediately lighting up her whole world.

They thought about that plenty of times, how their connection wasn't only made out of pure friendship. They wouldn't dig in too much on their feelings, but they knew there was something else there. Devotion. Care. Effort. They were really something inexplicable.

"How do you think our lives will be? You know, after college." Thomas asked as the chilly autumn wind was felt on their clothes and the leaves rustled their bodies while they were laying on the grass.

"I hope we get to have as much happiness as we can." Teresa answered easily, her eyes never leaving the stars above her head. "Surely get a job and a house would be perfect and start a family would be as well but..." She trailed off momentarily before continuing. "I guess being happy is the most important thing."

Thomas nodded, agreeing with her.

His overly dramatic crush on her had died down slightly as the years went by, the admiration turning into pure, young love as they got older.

"Are you happy right now?" The words were out his mouth a few moments later, interrupting the comforting silence between them.

Teresa locked eyes with him then, looking so intensely at the boy as if he was the most important person in her life.

She smiled softly, and Thomas followed suit. "I have been ever since I met you."

In another life, I would be your girl

We keep all our promises, be us against the world.

That would happen several times, and both knew all too well why they would find themselves saying those things to each other so frequently, but neither would say a word about that either.

They were eighteen, had a whole life ahead of them to live, had their future jobs waiting for them and a career to start, and the summer vacation was all they had left to see each other before parting ways to College; they wouldn't jeopardize their friendship because of teenage feelings.

Thomas had tried once or twice, but it never ended up coming out.

Teresa had tried too, but didn't find the courage in her to do so and end up breaking a bond she would want to have for the rest of her life.

They kind of accepted it in a way, that they were meant to be friends and nothing more, that spilling their feelings out would destroy whatever connection they had because they were afraid, and so they let that be, seeing the days go by and pretending to be something that they weren't, because they were so much more.

In another life, I would make you stay

So I don't have to say you were the one that got away.

"Promise me we'll see each other again and that we will talk to each other anyway." Teresa pleaded as she held Thomas' face in her hands, his still wiping the tears off of her eyes. "Promise."

Thomas nodded his head, looking down sadly at his best friend as she threw herself at him, holding him to her in a tight embrace.

He had thought about asking her not to, but he couldn't do such thing to Teresa. It would be selfish asking her to stay when she was living her life and go to college like most students do and be happy. However, a part of his brain still believed that she could be happy there with him instead, but he knew that wouldn't work.

"I promise."

Teresa pulled away and pressed a tender kiss on his cheek, actually lingering momentarily as the boy took in her scent for the last time in what would be long years.

Both thought about that, but neither said a single word as Teresa walked towards the boarding gate, a suitcase trailing right behind her as her head bent down slightly.

Thomas watched her slowly seeping away from his sight, and he immediately cursed himself for being so stupid. Why didn't he say it? Why didn't he say those three single words that seem to be the most difficult ones to get out of the mouth while he could? He couldn't think of a proper response to that, because not even he knew.

The one that got away.

And neither did Teresa.


I hope you enjoyed and tell me your thoughts on this!

Love you ❤

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