Lucky Stars

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Hey everyone!

So, I'm back from vacation and I can say I've been working on a new book during the time I was away.

I'm not giving you much detail on it yet, but as I said in the announcements a while ago, it is completely different from the other books I've written, and I can give away that it's an au. 😊

It will be released soon, I promise, when I have everything planned about the story.

As for the moment, please enjoy this last chapter that I think it's one of my favorites so far 😀 Cheesy and with good amounts of fluff to end in happiness 😂


Thomas considers himself to be a hard worker.

He found a job on the local cafe when he was only sixteen, and for the next six years he hadn't moved place once.

He pretty much loves what he does. They say you don't have to work for the rest of your life if you like what you're doing, and Thomas is the living proof of just that.

Although it might sound strange to many, Thomas finds the rushing hours his favorites. He works double than he does the rest of the day, but something about the cafe full of people, the air thick with sound and the smell of fresh pastries makes his heart beat faster, and not from nervousness.

He thinks it's beautiful how people have their own lives, their own jobs, their own families, and somehow join themselves in the same place at the same hour, forming a catastrophic masterpiece that to him is the synonym of perfection.

It is also in the rushing hours that he gets to see her.

She's usually the first one arriving when the hours of most activity starts. She orders always the same thing - a caffe latte - and she sits near the window almost everyday, as she still has several seats available before the rushing hour starts.

It's also on those moments that Thomas finds himself staring at her.

Not in a creepy way though. God, just the thought of someone catching him staring at her and think his intentions are different sends a cold shiver down his back. It's more like... appreciating and thanking whoever put them there to be able to see such beauty every morning.

Her hair falls down her shoulders in wavy, yet regular strands, and it is as black as his apron. Her skin is light and smooth, and it looks so fragile that Thomas thinks it could break if someone touched it the wrong way. But her eyes... her eyes get him weak on the knees. Every single time.

They're blue, but the kind of blue that pierces through him and get him fixed to them as he listens to her ordering. They're so bright Thomas would believe if someone said they provided light to the world, and if they didn't, he would believe in it anyway because light doesn't have to be something physical anyway. Light can be found emotionally, sentimentally, and he finds it in her.

"Hey man, are you going to move your ass up and do something or are you just going to stare at the girl for the rest of your shift?"

Thomas turns around to see his friend Minho right behind his shoulder, a knowing smirk playing on his lips as he rises his eyebrows questionably.

"Shut up..." Thomas grunts but gets up from his little bench at the balcony to help, anyway.

"As you wish, loverboy." Minho gives him an overly exaggerated grin before turning around and walking inside the kitchen once again.

Thomesa ~ One Shots [Volume II]Where stories live. Discover now