I'll Take Care Of You

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Hello everyone!

One shot requested by fandoms_021 I hope you like it! 😊

(Does not follow the exact scene in the movie, so Teresa doesn't betray them.)


"B4." The guard pronounces as the scan on his hand reads the necks of the ones who are kneeled on the sandy ground. "A7. A4. A1."

Janson looks around on the spot he is in, eyes narrowing due to the smoke of the fire on his surroundings.

"Where's Thomas?" He asks.

"Right here."

Thomas walks towards the mid aged man, hands up as in surrender, with a look that can most likely kill.

"Thomas!" Janson waits patiently as the boy approaches him, and with a smirk on his face, punches the boy right in the stomach.

Thomas grunts in pain, the air being knocked off of his lungs just as Janson's fists leave his abdomen, and he sinks to the ground. The boy barely notices the guards carrying him away.

"Get him in line." Janson demands as he takes place in front of the crowd.

Thomas is put between Newt and Teresa, occasionally jerking his neck away when some guard tries to scan it.

"Is this all of them?"

"Most of them."

In a swift movement, Thomas manages to get free and stand up, however this time, he stays in place.

A Berg makes its way down to the ground, opening the heavy door to let Dr. Paige walk out.

Thomas feels cold chills as he looks into her eyes. They're cold. Evil. Empty. He would compare them to Janson's but his are even worse.

"Hello, Thomas." Her voice is steady, a small smile forming on her lips as she talks. "I'm glad you're safe."

"You must be crazy if you think we're safe." Thomas says just as steady, a rush of adrenaline flooding through his blood.

"Thomas..." He hears a whisper coming from beside him, and a hand holding his arm softly. He knows immediately it's Teresa's.

She's telling him to calm down. To hold it to himself or it will get worse for him. He tries to do what she's telling him to. Not only for him but for his friends as well.

"Thomas, you don't understand. Everything we do, this all is just a means to the end. I promised you no one would get hurt, if you cooperate with us." Ava Paige retorts, her eyebrows raised in an attempt to soften her dark intentions.

Thomas just stares, unable to do anything else as the rage starts to boil on his blood.

All he wants to do is yell at the women. If he decides to go along with the soft part.

"You destroyed our lives, you know that. There's nothing you can possibly do to give us what we lost." Thomas mumbles, somehow controlling his frustration inside himself.

"For that, I'm truly sorry."

"No, you're not!" Thomas shouts, startling the women with red lipstick. "You're just doing this for yourself!"

"I just need more time!"

"More blood."

Everyone's heads turn around to a women, Mary, who's making her way through the crowd only to be kneeled down in line as well.

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