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Hello everyone! How have you been?

This is probably my second to last one shot, as I don't want this book to be too long...

I hope you enjoy!

Requested by dory234


"God, I can't believe I'm finally taking these things off." Teresa huffs as she slumps on the king sized bed in the hotel room they'll stay for the night, closing her eyes after discarding her high heels and putting them neatly beside the bed.

Thomas chuckles as he locks the door behind him, also taking his shoes off because damn, even if they're pretty comfortable, being on his feet for the majority of the day can turn uncomfortable even the most comfier shoes in the world.

He sits down on the bed next to her, smiling softly at her small figure, still with her beautiful white wedding dress, her skin still as pale as when they had said 'I do' a few hours ago, her hair still perfect, though a little bit messier. But Thomas loves that. He loves every single thing about her.

"I couldn't wait to take this off." Thomas mumbles as he un-ties the knot on his tie, earning a giggle from the girl beside him.

Teresa extends her arm until her hand reaches his shoulder, purposefully putting pressure so he falls onto the bed next to her. They laugh as he stumbles on his back, their eyes locking almost immediately.

"Today was beautiful, Tom." She whispers, her hand coming up to his cheek, where she draws constellations formed by his adorable moles.

"Yeah... yes it was. The only thing I could think about when I saw you walking towards me was that I want to be with you for the rest of my life." He replies, smiling so softly that Teresa is sure nothing can break this moment between them. They're in love, and after years of being together, their wedding was almost inevitable.

"And what if I told you that when I saw you standing there I thought just the same?" She quirks a playfull eyebrow at him, her blue eyes still being like the ocean to his brown ones: full of life and energy, oxygen he needs to survive.

"That's pretty great." He mumbles as he comes closer to her, one hand coming to rest on her hip.


"Pretty sure, yes."

Teresa giggles when his lips touch hers, trying her best to not smile too much or else the kiss will be ruined. She lives for moments like these with Thomas, and she loves him so much.

Pulling away, Thomas takes her left hand in his, admiring the now golden ring on her finger. He fiddles with it, and all the while Teresa just stares at him, his eyes focused somewhere else but hers would always focus on him somehow.

"What are you thinking?" She asks, because suddenly the happy smirk on his face is gone, being replaced with a sad smile.

"Nothing. I don't want to kill the mood." He answers, finally turning his eyes to her.

Teresa glances as him with an expression that he takes as 'Don't be such an idiot, I know you.'  Not exactly these words she would use, but something like that. Also, he's sure she's thought about that too, and that's why he decides against himself and talks to her.

"It's just... I really wish he had been there. He would have been so happy."

Teresa smiles sadly, knowing that this is a moment Thomas needs. They've been completely over the moon the whole day. Things have their own ways to return to the middle. After a long time in pure happiness, it's normal to feel low sometimes. It's our only way to stay real and rational.

Teresa understands it.

And she also understands that Thomas will never be over Chuck's absence. Not completely.

"He was. He was looking down at us and smiling because he was happy we were happy. Don't ever think he's gone because he's not. Not when he still changes our lives as we go. Not when he's still able to make us laugh, smile, sometimes cry. Not when he's still able to make us feel human."

If Thomas weren't so flabbergasted over Teresa's words to even react he would absolutely take her into his arms and never let go in an instant. But he's too emotional, and her words hit him inside and bring him some sense of peace to his mind, one he hasn't felt in a long time.

"You truly are perfect, you know?"

He says it with so much sincerity that Teresa can't help the blush that forms on her cheeks.

"You're not too much behind either." She still manages to find the sarcastic side of her throughout all emotion, and Thomas lets out a genuine laugh.

He stares down at her once again, his lips finding her forehead before pressing a gentle peck there.

"Thank you."

Thomas tries to stand up, but Teresa takes a hold of his arm, bringing him down once again.

He's smirking when she pulls him closer, her lips finding his as her arms encircle around his neck, one of his hands resting on her stomach as the other holds his weight above her.

Now they've done this countless times - of course they have - but somehow they still haven't gone any further than just this. There's not a main reason for it, it just really never happened.

Thomas is always busy, and so is Teresa. When they do have time and they finally believe they'll have the opportunity to finally take another step, someone always interrupts them before anything gets serious. It's infuriating, though there is nothing they can do than to accept.

But now? Now they have all the time they need and want (and hopefully no one will interrupt them this time).

Well, that's what they hope.

"Are you sure?" Thomas pulls away softly, his hair way messier than moments ago, his breath heavier than when he runs around the Safe Heaven for hours. That's the effect she has on him.

"I've never been so sure. Are you?" She looks up at him with big, beautiful blue eyes to ask for his consent because although they're two grown young adults, they're still new to this thing, especially when they have no experience whatsoever.

"Absolutely." He answers without hesitation though a small quivering on his voice gives out the nervousness he's feeling. Lowering himself, he takes her lips into his own and the two combust into flames, their hearts beating in sync as their love for the other is shared between them, their feelings completely poured out in front of them.

Maybe that's why it feels so right when they do it - without getting interrupted - and how loved they feel right after.

And as Teresa is looking into his eyes in the aftermath of their connection, she's sure the stars outside the room are nothing compared to the glint that always exists whenever Thomas looks at her.

She's already stargazing just by locking her eyes with his.


Hey! I hope you enjoyed this small story. I'll see you guys soon!

Love you and thank you for all the amazing support! ❤

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