Love Deprived

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Okay, I found this mini story kinda funny to share with you, so I hope you have fun reading it! 😂


See, having a three month old baby wasn't easy when it came to having some time alone. In between changing diapers, feeding the baby girl, and pulling her back to sleep, Teresa and Thomas barely had time for themselves individually, not to mention the lack of time for each other.

Although being deprived of sleep and rest, the two always found amusing how well they managed their resting sessions and they couldn't be more happier with their little addition to the family.

Whenever the little bundle of joy would wake up and need any kind of attention, Thomas was the first to stand himself up from the bed and let his wife rest for some needed moments before she had to feed the baby again.

However, when the little one was sleeping soundly in the room next to theirs, the two didn't think about anything else than sleep, so their peaceful time was spent doing just that.

They didn't complain, of course, having each other embraced into one another's arms was enough for them, but they surely missed those times when they were more free to do whatever they wanted.

They've tried several times, though.

And every single time they got interrupted by a baby screaming her lungs out.

It wasn't something much elaborated, what they would do, more like just kissing and enjoying each other's company, but the interruptions coming from their child had become like an inside joke for the two.

This is one of those attempts.

"You're just as beautiful as the day I met you." Thomas assured as they're sitting on their bed, backs against the wall as the cold night outside contrasted with the cozy warmth inside the house.

Teresa commented before that her belly hasn't gotten completely in place since she gave birth and Thomas had come up with those words right after.

"And you will continue to be beautiful until we're both two wrinkled human beings sitting on a wheelchair." Thomas said as he positioned himself sideways, supporting his head with his hand.

Teresa giggled softly, mirroring his actions and pulling herself closer to him as well.

"Oh, really?" She teased, looking up in a questioning way.

They could be on the verge of extreme tiredness, and they would continue with their teasing comments about each other.

"Mhmm." Thomas replied, leaning in just a little bit, the way their noses almost touch. "I'm as serious as one could be."

Teresa places one hand behind his neck, playing mindlessly with the tips of his hair as a smirk formed on the man's face.

Oh boy, how much she loved when he smiled like that.

The two didn't waste much time before closing the distance between them, sitting in the middle of the bed as they did so.

In between kisses one would giggle or smile and say some cheesy come back but neither would mind. That's how they were. And they loved it just like that.

Thomas planted kisses on her nose, cheeks, once again on her lips, before going down to her neck. He had turned them around with Teresa laying on the bed and him on top before kissing her soft lips once again.

It would never go further than this, mostly because they knew they couldn't exactly, and honestly, they didn't mind not doing what they used to do. They had each other, that was the most important thing.

The two had some minutes for themselves before a loud cry filled the air, abruptly pulling the couple apart.

Still on top of her with his hands supporting him, Thomas couldn't help but start laughing against her lips.

"We're never going to do this without getting interrupted, are we?" Teresa asked chuckling as she caressed his cheeks, planting a small kiss on his nose.

"I think not." He replied before standing up, stretching his hand for Teresa to take as they checked on their beautiful baby girl.


Ahhhhhh what do you think?

I've had this on my mind for some days now, and I finally wrote it down 😂

I'm finally on vacation so I'll start updating more now! 😄

I hope you guys enjoyed!

Love you!!!❤

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