I'll Come Back To You II

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Here comes second (and last) part of I'll come back to you! 😘



"This has been happening every night, like clockwork." Aris explains as him and Thomas hover some metallic bar door watching as doctors walk feverously around the hallways that gives Thomas the idea of an hospital.

"Do you think they're in there?" Thomas asks, his voice low as he scratches his chin out of habit.

"I don't know. The only thing I know is that the night they got taken I saw two mattresses passing by on this same hallway." Aris responds, and the silence fills in the air like a reminder that the girls need to be saved as soon as possible, before it's too late.

It's time to put his plan into action.


"So you're saying we should just break in from where you were a few minutes ago, with the probability of them catching us doing just that?" Newt confirms with slight interrogation because he's not sure if Thomas has gone out of his mind for good or he just wants to fight the devil.

"Newt, there's nothing else we can possibly do." Thomas' hands form into fists as frustration and slight rage build inside him. Not towards Newt though, but the whole situation. "We need to get them out of there, Newt. You know I don't trust these people."

"Neither do we, Thomas." Minho says.

"Look, guys, I'm not forcing you to go with me, okay? But I am going. Just try to cover up for me while I'm gone." Thomas says as he opens the door to the conduct below his bed.

He misses the glance bewteen Newt and Minho, and before he slides into the darkness of the metallic hall, he feels a hand on his shoulder.

Thomas turns his head around, confused, to find Newt, Minho and Frypan behind him. "We're in this together." Newt starts. "If you're risking your life to save Teresa, we are too."

Thomas looks at his friends and after a few moments of realization he nods his head, turning back around to face the conduct and crawl into it. His friends follow him not too long after.


They pass through Aris' dorm as they turn a left turn in the tunnels and Thomas wakes the boy up, telling him they're rescuing their friends, and the five continue their journey to the medical wing, stopping before opening the conduct's door.

"So what's the plan?" Newt asks as they're all crouched down.

Thomas takes a deep breath before speaking. "It's better if we split up, maybe, and we move as silently as we can, trying not to draw any attention to ourselves. It's night, so there's probably less people wandering around here but it's better if we're prepared."

Newt's eyes still widen in surprise as he listens to the boy. He doesn't say anything, but Minho, of course, does.

"I think it's the first time Thomas here has a plan that isn't 100% stupid." After leaving a slight punch on Minho's arm and finishing his plan, Thomas is the first to land on the floor with a not-so-subtle thump.

He cringes at the sound, but relaxes when he sees that no one is around.

After everyone makes it to the ground, they put into practice the plan they've worked on previously, and walk their different ways.

Thomas is the first to find a nurse, probably in her forties, and he quickly hides himself under a table of supplements covered with a blanket. His heart is beating fast inside his chest but he lets out a sigh of relief when the woman doesn't notice him.

Thomesa ~ One Shots [Volume II]Where stories live. Discover now