The New Student

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You could say Teresa liked school. She had always been a great student, and although the meaning of beginning senior year and having to go to college a year later terrified her a little, she managed to enjoy her last year of High School as much as she could.

English classes were her favorite, and since the first period in the morning on mondays was English, the first day of the week (and the hardest for most people) got way more easier to stand for the girl.

She walked to her locker to get her books, leaving the ones she wouldn't need inside and closed the door afterwards.

Entering the classroom, Teresa noticed that the seats were almost all full, people chatting without ceasing, and so she sat back on the second to last row, placing the books she had on her arms on her table and waiting patiently for the teacher to come.

Not too long after, Mrs. Fletcher came inside the room.

"Good morning class."

With a chorus of sleepy students greeting back, the teacher continued.

"First of all, I'd like to let you know that the tickets for the theater of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet can already be bought by you. Speak to me at the end of the lesson and I'll let you know of all the information."

Teresa nodded her head as did some other students.

Mrs. Fletcher placed her bag on the floor next to her desk, and joined her hands in front of her.

"As for the second, there's a new student in our class."

Teresa followed the gaze from the teacher to her left, realizing that there was indeed someone she hadn't realized before on the sit next to hers. She was probably too focused on her own world that she didn't even notice him.

"Say hello to Thomas over there."

Teresa looked to her side discreetly, eyes darting to the new boy as she pretended she was listening to whatever the teacher continued to say. The class didn't seem so important anymore.

He had light brown hair, his eyes matching the color of his hair and although the guy hadn't looked at Teresa yet, she could make out the moles dotted on the skin of his cheeks. His nose was upturned and he had eyelashes that would make a girl jealous. He was definitely cute.

Teresa immediately looked away when she realized she was staring, and focused her attention back on her books, writing the summary of the lesson down. That was until Mrs. Fletcher called her name.

"Teresa? Care to explain Thomas the rules of our class while I check who did the homework?"

Her teacher was one of the funniest people on the world, and maybe that was the reason why Teresa loved the class so much. The girl smiled softly and turned her head towards the boy when he looked at her as well, and she was sure her heart skipped a beat.

"So, first of all, you need to copy everything from the board." Teresa smiles softly when Thomas nods his head, smiling as well. "Then, you either do the whole homework, or it doesn't count." Yes, their teacher was quite rigorous, another reason why Teresa liked her so much.

Her brain searched for the first class of the previous year (since she'd been Mrs. Fletcher student for the second year at the moment) and tried to remember the third rule.

"Oh and, no pencil cases on the table."

He gave her a confused look, but smiled nevertheless.

"No pencil cases on the table?" He asked astonished.

"No pencil cases on the table." Teresa answered with a playfull smile on her face as well.

Thomas looked like he was about to laugh, but he contained himself. There was something about the girl that he couldn't quite understand tha made his heart beat faster, and he wondered if someone could be more beautiful than her.

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