It's Time

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Hello lovelies!!!

I hope you're having a good day/night and that you enjoy this utterly fluffy chapter 😄

Requested by dory234! Thanks and I hope you like it!


It all started with a slight tingle. It  would go away as soon as it started, and Teresa at first didn't gave much importance to it. Can't really blame her. It was the middle of the night and she had finally been able to fall asleep after so long trying to get comfortable in a single position in order to relax.

But what started off as just a small discomfort turned into a tremendous pain and Teresa woke up, heart beating fast as she clutched her swollen belly. She didn't wait before sitting on the bed, turning around to take a look at the boy next to her and shake him awake. Not exactly the way it should be done, but she couldn't think of a better way.

Thomas shook awake as he turned around, one eye peeking at her as his other was closed shut.

"What?" He mumbled, brows furrowed in confusion as he sat more comfortably, leveling Teresa's gaze.

Her lips turned into a smile despite the pain that came time to time, and Thomas couldn't be more confused. "I think it's time."

Thomas only gazed at her in silence, eyes sleepy while closing briefly, and Teresa had thought her husband had fallen asleep again. "Yeah, it's time for me to sleep, it's still dark outside. " He started turning away once again, but Teresa stopped him to it.

"No, Tom, I think it's time." Teresa repeated, noticing that her legs were slightly wet with something she believed was the amniotic fluid.

Thomas turned around once again, slightly more alert as he took a better look at his wife. She was smiling - but really, when wasn't she? Thomas would still be the happiest man alive if he could only see her smile every single day - and he noticed how her hands were pressed softly at the bottom of her round belly, as if supporting the human being inside.

All of a sudden, realization hit him like a slap in the face.

"Oh..." He mumbled, his face turning slightly paler.

Fully alert, he turned completely to her side, eyes rid of any sleep as Teresa took in the sight that was Thomas starting to absolutely freak out.

"Okay... Oh my God... okay." Thomas muttered under his breath as he pulled the covers down, standing up from their bed as he rushed to get dressed with only sweatpants and a sweater before approaching Teresa once again. "Are you in pain? Like, in any pain?"

Teresa couldn't help but chuckle, accepting Thomas' hand as he helped her sit up. "Not for now. I woke up with the pain and the water breaking but it haven't felt any in a few minutes."

"Good. That's good. Hmm... but if you start feeling any pain just remember to always inhale by your nose and exhale by your mouth, okay?" Thomas said as he went into the baby's room to get everything they needed to go to the hospital after making sure Teresa would be able to dress herself while doing so.

A few minutes later when they reached their house's door, Teresa put a hand on Thomas' chest, purposely making him to stop on his tracks and he looked confusedly down at her, his lips parted and his mind running very probably at the velocity of light.

She gave him a smile that she knew was his weakness, and placed  a soft kiss to his cheek, holding to his arms for support as she couldn't exactly lean much into him due to her huge belly.

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