I'll Come Back To You

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Set during the scorch trials, but the gladers never got out from wicked, but they know they're not trustworthy.

A slight au 😉


It's driving him crazy.

It's been almost two weeks and he hasn't caught a glimpse of the dark haired girl with such blue eyes that the boy is sure hold the ocean and the sky and all the calming possible things in them. It's been two weeks since he last saw her smile, her being, and eventhough he wouldn't admit it in front of his friends, he misses her so, so much.

It's what is keeping him going inside the department, trying his best to find any clue, any thing, that could possibly lead him to her. However, all he gets everytime is nothing.

Newt and Minho joined him once to try and sneak into a restricted room (the one where all the doctors would discuss the topics that needed to be thought about) but they never made it inside.

They weren't caught by Janson for a millisecond and, therefore, decided that staying inside their dorms was the most rational thing to do.

"She will come back eventually, Tommy. I don't think they would do something too drastic to her. She's just as important as us." Newt tries to reason as the boy paces around the middle of the room, his friends all slumped on their respective beds.

"But I'm sure they're not doing any good either!" Thomas snaps at his friend, and although the blonde boy doesn't flinch, Thomas still apologizes for his small outburst.

He lays awake in bed, his eyes fixed on an invisible point right in front of him.

Think, Thomas, think!

He knows what he has to do. And he also knows this is exactly the most dangerous thing he could probably do in this place. But he has to.

He needs to talk to Janson.


The room is warm, in contrast to the heart of the mid aged man sitting across from the table from him. He has that devious smirk on his face that gets Thomas over the edge almost immediately, but he reminds himself that this isn't for him. This is for Teresa and he needs to find her.

"Will you just tell me where she is?" Thomas asks when the conversation turns as he wants, and he tries his best to sound strong, powerful, but his voice is barely a whisper.

"Oh, Thomas, I know how much you care about that girl... but even if I wanted to simply tell you where she is, I couldn't." His expression turns hard, his brows furrowed. "There's nothing you need to know about that subject."

"Just tell me where she is!" Thomas shouts, his hands slamming on the table as he stands up. "Tell me, where she is." He repeats through gritted teeth, the tone of his voice stern and threatening.

This is definitely driving him insane.

Janson, however, keeps his nonchalant expression. He stands up, eyeing Thomas up and down before walking to the door, placing his hand on the knob.

"She's alive."

Is the only thing he says before leaving Thomas alone in the room.


"At least we know she's alive." Frypan says as Thomas scratches his chin nervously, once again pacing.

Thankfully - to keep his little secret - he isn't the only one nervous about Teresa and her whereabouts, the gladers are too and they're feverously trying to find a way to find her.

Of course Thomas is the only one who can't sit on his ass and think quietly.

"What if we try to steal information from other people? Someone who maybe remembers seeing Teresa somewhere." Minho suggests, his usual sass now running to a minimum as they discuss what to do.

It's an idea, really, but who should they trust to take information from? And who says that that information is correct? They will never know.

And that's when a metal plate comes rolling from below Thomas' bed.

The boy immediately sinks to his knees, crawling to the place where a brunette boy, maybe around their age, peaks his head through the hole and gives all of them a smile as he crawls from the conduct.

"Who the hell are you?"

"What is this kid doing here?"

It's all they ask.

"I'll answer to every question you might have but I really need to talk to you." The boy starts, looking calmly between all boys while nodding to Thomas. "I know you're looking for a girl in your group, and I am too." He continues, still receiving weird glances. "I think I know where Teresa is."

"Wait. You know where she is?" Thomas asks, now paying full attention.

"Yes, I guess. The only way to get there is trough the conducts. I've been keeping track of every single time they come through those doors. It's like clockwork. So, if we manage to be up the room when they're all there, maybe we can get some information out of them."

The boys all look quizzically at the boy, still wondering if they should trust him or not.

Newt is the first to ask.

"Who are you looking for?"

They watch as the boy's face falls, his eyes darting down to his feet as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. He gives out a long sigh before looking at them.

"Rachel. She disappeared in the same day Teresa did, and I'm sure they're both in the same place."

Thomas' mind is boiling. In a mere few minutes he's discovered more things than he did in two weeks, and the thought of maybe being able to see Teresa again and save her from whatever devious things they're doing to her is giving him hope.

And hope is the only thing that can keep you going when everything seems to fall right on top of you.

"You need to hurry though, it's almost time."

Thomas nods, telling his friends that the best would be to them to wait for him in the room so that no one notices him missing, and he crawls inside the small tunnels with the weird kid with a beautiful mind in front of him.

"Hey." Thomas calls for his attention as they take a turn left. "What's your name?"

The boy turns around, giving a small smile.



I'll very probably write a part 2 to this so stay tuned!

Love you and thank you so much! ❤

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