The One That Got Away II

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Hello guys!

Sorry for not updating in a while but I've had a hell of a week (it's like the second week of school and I had a test every single day of the week), so I've been really tired both physically and mentally, so I didn't had time to properly update.

Here it goes part 2 of The One That Got Away, and you can listen to No Air by Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown, because I got inspiration to write this from that song (I know, kinda old, but nostalgia is kicking me nowadays 😂), and I think it goes very well with the story line.

You can play it now or do it when I tell you to 😊

Enjoy lovelies!

I love uuuu ❤


It had been raining ever since Thomas had entered the local Cafe, sighing softly when he took a seat in his usual spot next to the window, a beautiful view to the crowded city and the lights shining outside creating a soft atmosphere in the room despite the loud sounds of music and people talking.

Taking a sip from his cappuccino when the waiter patiently placed it on his table, Thomas allowed himself to take a reassuring breath of relief, thankfull that his job for the day had been finally done. He had been overly occupied the whole day at work and sitting alone in a table while watching the rain fall just outside the window sent a soothing feeling through his body.

He had graduated almost three years from then, and had been working as an entrepreneur ever since, always running from place to place nonstop, keeping his mind busy.

Sometimes he was grateful. By having his mind full of things it would most likely never wander to thoughts of her, and he found himself almost being happy that it didn't.

Because thinking about her hurt too much, and he knew he would never stop wanting her in the end. So he tried his best to keep those thoughts away, but somehow they still found a way of entering his skull and fry his brain to the point of exhaustion because hell, why didn't he tell her that when he still had the chance?

They haven't talked ever since Teresa had moved to Europe to attend and work as a doctor in one of the best hospitals in the continent, and since both had their own lives and the difficult timezones, in the span of two weeks they just... lost contact.

And it hurt.

It still hurt to think about that.

He was so lost on his thoughts that he hadn't even noticed the front door opening and a knowing face walking inside, taking her order with a soft smile on her face and lifting her head to search for a seat.

Her blue eyes wandered through the dimly lighted room until they stopped on a particularly knowing body, and Teresa felt her heart coming to a stop.

He looked just the same, Teresa could see, and although he hadn't still seen her because he seemed too focused on looking outside to the streets, the girl noticed how his nose was still the same, his cheekbones just as defined as she last saw them and his lashes bigger than most guys' like always. It was him, and Teresa didn't know what to do, because she'd been feeling just the same Thomas had, and she just froze in her spot.

As if sensing eyes on him, Thomas turned his head around, lifting his gaze from the life outside to the life inside, and his eyes immediately found blue ones and it felt as if his whole world stopped right there.

Thomesa ~ One Shots [Volume II]Where stories live. Discover now