Rainy Days

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Hello there! 😊

Hope you enjoy this hopefully cute one shot!

Idk why but I feel like I haven't written a sad one in a looong time...🤔 probably next one will break that 😏😂


Teresa loved rainy days. She always loved the way the droplets of water would hit the ground and create a melody of their own. She loved staying home cuddled on her own bed with blankets covering her cold body as she watched television or simply closed her eyes and listened to the sound outside.

However, that couldn't be happening that day, and the main reason was that she had a job interview scheduled for a few hours past lunch time and she needed to get out to the rain outside. Of course, the chilling while watching TV had to be postponed to another day.

Teresa quickly sent her mother a reassuring message since she had moved to her own apartment when she finished College and could already support herself by what she earned in small jobs.

The dark haired girl left her house, immediately opening the purple umbrella that surprisingly went really well with the color of her eyes and marched to the front gate. It was around 20 meters from the main door.

Still, as she placed one foot out the building's main door, someone quickly ducked under her umbrella without any previous advert.

Teresa was about to protest because hell, who does that? Right, it was pouring rain from the sky in a way that would immediately get someone drenched, but there was no way Teresa would ever do that, specially to a stranger. But she contained the words to herself as she looked to the boy that was slightly curved to get himself covered.

She took in his features and realized that she had indeed seen him at least once before, given that her best friend's brother, Newt, had invited him to his Birthday party. Though they'd never directed a word to each other, Teresa was almost sure his name was Thomas.

Or was it Minho?

No, Minho is the one with the spiky hair. She came to that conclusion.

"Hey! So sorry, I just really need a 'ride' until that gate over there, because I really can't get wet right now." The boy said, a small smile on his rosy lips and Teresa immediately took in his playful tone.

"Oh, it's okay really." Because it was, honestly. Teresa understood the young man completely.

Seeing as he was still leaning down and her arm was raised in order to prevent him from hovering down so much given to their height difference, Thomas looked down at the girl.

"You want me to hold it?" He asked with such a kind smile that Teresa didn't hesitate on landing him the umbrella.

"So what made you not bring an umbrella when it's pouring rain like this outside?" Teresa asked because although the silence between the two wasn't in any way uncomfortable, she was genuinely curious and amazed by the boy's cheekiness.

"Oh, you know, almost slept in when I have an important job interview in like 15 minutes; literally spilled the coffee over my suit and had to change for other...  yeah, an umbrella didn't exactly seem like something very important at the moment." The boy answered as the two reached the gate and stopped side by side.

Only then did Teresa notice that the brunette boy with cute moles all over his cheeks was dressed in a suit and tie, pretty handsome to her eyes.

"What would be left of you without me..." Teresa joked with him, a smile plastered on her lips eventhough they've just officially met at the moment.

Thomas seemed to tag along.

"You're right. I'd be nothing without you. You literally saved my life here." He answered just as humorously as her, but the smile that Teresa found so sweet never quite left his lips.

"Thank you,..." He nodded his head slightly and only then did Teresa understand he was asking for her name.

"Teresa." She answered softly.

"...Teresa." He repeated with his own voice and Teresa found it quite enjoyable, hearing her name coming out of his lips.

"No problem..."


"Thomas." Teresa grinned because yes, she was right. His name was really Thomas.

"I guess I'll see you soon." Thomas prompted, flashing a soft smile and running towards his car, parked in front of the building.

"Good luck on that interview." Teresa answered (after nodding gracefully at his statement) just as he hop in the car, knowing for sure that he heard her by the slight nod of head and grin on his lips.

Teresa finally continued her journey to her interview when he pulled out the street, but let's say that a certain boy with chestnut brown eyes and brown hair was the only thing running through her mind as she walked through the rainy path.


Sorry it's so short and all but I am reeeally tired and I guess that's just it...

Also I'm sorry if it's so out of character but I found it so cute I couldn't let it go without writing it with these two 😂

I hope you enjoyed nevertheless and see you soon!

Love you! ❤

Thomesa ~ One Shots [Volume II]Where stories live. Discover now