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Hello guys!

Since it's finally Easter Hollidays for me, expect more updates from the two books I'm invested in.

Hope you enjoy this hyper mega fluffy one shot!


Waking up early had never been something Thomas would do deliberately. Sure he liked the mornings and all, but that was when he didn't have to be forced to wake up early and would wake up by himself. That would turn the task way simpler.

Specially for Teresa.

Let's say she has been trying to wake the young man up - it's only been a few years since they've gotten to the Safe Heaven, they're in their almost mid twenties - for about half an hour and he just doesn't wake up. No, he's awake ever since she had called him, he just doesn't want to get up and get ready for the busy day they're meant to have.

Teresa had first awaken at around 8:30am, and had tried to wake him up then, but Thomas had grumbled something incoherent and proceeded to promptly lay the upper half of his body on top of hers, his face nuzzled on her neck as his arm encircled her waist. Though the first thing that came to his mind before moving to literally lay flat on top of her was utterly to prevent Teresa from leaving his side, he then found it extremely comfortable and fell asleep right after, ignoring Teresa's complaints.

The soft hum of approval Thomas made just destroyed every possible scenarios of getting him out the bed and Teresa closed her eyes finally, falling asleep not too long after.

So here she is, one hour later, trying once again.

"Tom..." Teresa mumbles, one arm going around Thomas upper back as the other hand caresses his hair. A soft smile forms on her lips. "Time to get up, come on."

A sound of disapproval leaves Thomas' mouth as he tightens the grip on her. There is no way she can leave him, both are sure. "No..."

"We have lots of things to do today, Tom. We can't just stay in bed all day."

"I know you want that."

Teresa bites her lip in order to prevent a bigger smile from forming because it's true, and eventhough Thomas can't see her face she doesn't want to give him the indirect satisfaction.

"Um... no, I don't." Teresa retorts, her hand still running through his brown strands.

"Yes, you do." He mumbles, moving his nose against her neck. "We can do all the things we need to do tomorrow."

A sigh escapes her. "I'm sure we can't, Tom. It's not like it would be any different if we did it tomorrow." Her tone is light, playful.

She feels the air leaving his nose tickling her neck where his face is nuzzled. "It would be different because I want to stay here with you today."

"And you would say the same thing if I had to get you out the bed to work tomorrow." Teresa replies, a smirk forming on her lips after Thomas heaves out a heavy sight.

He props himself on his elbows, each in each side of Teresa's skinny body as he turns his chocolate brown eyes to look at her ocean blue ones. "And what makes you think of that?"

His voice is still husky from sleep and his eyes are sleepy as well, but still Teresa believes this is the best sight to have in the mornings. He just has this light whenever he wakes up that wanders off as the day goes by. She just loves waking up to him looking at her like that.

"Let's say it's like this every single day." She pecks the tip of his nose. "Now, get up. We're going to run late."

Thomas grunts lightly when Teresa pushes him soflty aside to the bed, his back hitting the covers as he's sprawled on them.

His head snaps up and his eyes follow the movements of the black haired girl as she opens the door to the bathroom. "Wait, where's my good morning kiss?"

Teresa chuckles lightly. "You will get one if you get ready before I do." She winks at him and smiles softly before closing the bathroom door behind her.

To be honest, Thomas had never dressed up so fast like he did that morning and as he did so, he couldn't imagine a better way to wake up everyday than to his favorite person in the world giving him happiness with just a smile on her lips and a wink of an eye.


I hope you enjoyed this small chapter and I'll see you soon!

Love you! ❤

Thomesa ~ One Shots [Volume II]Where stories live. Discover now