I Was Five Years Old

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Hello everyone!

Just want to warn you that if you haven't read the Kill Order, don't read this one shot! Contains spoilers.

I hope you enjoy! 😊


The sound of the waves have always calmed Teresa whenever she felt uneasy with something. Though she knew she didn't live close to the sea, she remembers going there sometimes during the summer when she was young. She used to go there with her parents and older brother and they would be just the happily family they were.

But that scenario changed many years ago when the Flare hit the Earth and with that the lives of thousands of people who weren't Immune disappeared from existence.

And the ones who were had to live and witness all of it.

Sometimes those memories hit Teresa like a punch in the stomach and she just needs to stop and collect her thoughts in order to stay away from them.

That's the main reason with she's sitting on the sand, head facing the crashing of the waves as a soft breeze springs through her dark hair.

With the arrival to the Safe Haven everyone has had time to thing about everything, and Teresa isn't an exception.

It's not too long after that she feels a presence behind her.

"Hey." She hears his voice through the sound of the water. "Are you okay?" Teresa sees through the corner of her eye the figure of a boy whom she came to accept would never forgive her for her actions sit beside her. A boy she learned to trust and confide through the years of their staying in WICKED. A boy she would give her life for if needed without hesitation. A boy she loves by heart.

Teresa turns her head to him, giving out a small smile as he eyes her intently, brows furrowed but eyes soft like they always seem to be when she looks at them.

The girl nods her head softly, returning her gaze to the sea ahead of them, letting out a small sigh.

"I'm sorry." A mumble escapes his lips.

Her head turns to him and Teresa can see a broken boy inside through his eyes, his outside covering it up almost impeccably, but she can see the flaws in it. "For what?"

"For not trusting you."

Teresa is at a loss of words.

"I shouldn't have done what I did to you. I tried to forget you and forget everything we've been through because I was just... mad." He lets out a sigh. "Not at you. More mad with everything you know? I know I threw it all on you when you weren't the one I should've been blaming."

Teresa feels her eyes getting glassy and she turns her head away, not allowing the boy to see her breaking slowly.

"And when I saw you almost not making it to the Berg I just knew that if you didn't make it I wouldn't know what to do." His eyes never turn away from her and Teresa knows this conversation is being an honest and genuine one coming from both of them.

"So I'm sorry."

Through her glassy eyes Teresa catches a glimpse of a hand much bigger than hers extending itself in front of her. Through everything they went through, she can't quite make up a time where she had held his hand. However, she wants to. And it's not because she has an undying affection towards him. It's not only because she needs, in fact, support. It's because Thomas is her friend and will forever be. And so she takes it.

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