The Perfect Day

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Hello everyone!

Hope your 2019 has been good so far 😊

Please enjoy this chapter full of fluff because I think we all deserve it 😀

See ya!!


"How are you feeling, man? You look like you just saw a ghost! Do you want me to get you a cup of water or something?" Minho asks with a smirk on his lips, a hand encircling around Thomas' neck to pat his shoulder.

"Saying that I'm dead nervous might be a huge understatement right now." The boy answers, fixing a point in the distance close to Newt, who can't stop smiling at his friend's unknown humor when the nerves kick in.

In a few minutes Thomas will walk past everyone to stand in front of both his' and Teresa's families, ready - but really nervous - to have her in his life for as long as they may live.

His palms are sweaty, and he can't stop lifting them to his hair, which causes a scold from Minho, who tells him to not destroy the hard word he had had just to fix his hair in place.

But Thomas just can't. He's already pacing in the room.

"What if she changes her mind? What if- What if she decides that this is not what she really wants?" Thomas' voice is cracking slightly and he looks down at his feet completely out of thoughts inside his mind. He goes absolutely blank with the anticipation after his rambling.

"Tommy, listen here, alright?" Newt places both his hands on the brunette's shoulders, holding him steady in place. "There's no way she would run away. You two are like two sides of the same coin, you two have loved each other for bloody years, and I'm one hundred percent sure you will until the end."

Thomas nods slowly, getting slightly less anxious as time passes. Newt has always had his ways with words.

Honestly, Thomas just wants to have Teresa in his arms right now.

And he will. In a few moments.

"Ready to get married, shuck face?" Minho smiles genuinely, a grin forming on his face.

Thomas takes a deep breath, trying to ease his nerves.



You can say that Thomas is always prepared for anything that comes in his life, literally everything except the sight of the person he has loved since they were little in a white dress, walking towards him with such a soft smile that immediately causes Thomas to smile as well.

Everything around them disappears as the two lock eyes, the pure definition of happiness and giddiness and nervousness altogether that makes it all even more special.

It seems like an eternity for Teresa to reach him as she passes through the rows of people smiling and some crying, but eventually, a hand she knows all too well stretches in her direction, and she doesn't hesitate on taking it in hers.

Their eyes sparkle as the ceremony begins, still looking at the other like they are their stars, their universe, their future. Which in reality, it pretty much is, indeed.

The nerves the two were feeling right moments before are completely gone just by having the other beside them. It's like it's automatic. One needs the other to maintain their feet on the ground, to feel alive and at peace.

The anxiety only returns when it's time to say their vows.

Of course, the two say, with tears in their eyes and a voice full of love and compassion, "I do".

Well, everyone presented can say that Thomas visibly relaxed when Teresa said those two words, and the boy didn't go unnoticed by her as well, given to the small chuckle that left her mouth.

And the kiss following the confession just brought even more emotion into it as the two traveled alone to a world that was utterly and completely only theirs.

A few moments later, the two already linked together by a connection that has existed for a long time but only now was made official, it's time for the newly weds to open the dance floor, and so everyone stands in a circle, watching dearly as the two sway to the song inside their own little bubble.

Their friends congratulate them as soon as the guests start dancing and drinking and eating like normal people do in weddings.

"I'm not the most reliable person to say this, given the situation I was in, but I can almost swear that I saw you crying, Minho." Thomas jokes when Newt and Minho approach them, giving them hugs and good wishes for the future.

"Me? Crying? Nah, I think you saw it wrong. I don't cry." Minho retorts despite the doubt in his voice.

The three burst out laughing.

Of course the guy got emotional. Who wouldn't?

A slow song starts playing in the background and Thomas, being a pure gentleman, vows a little, extending his hand in front of Teresa's for her to take.

After some giggles and a small blush from her part, the couple walks to a more calm spot, but still capable of hearing the song nevertheless.

Teresa rests her head on his shoulder, her face nuzzled on the crook of his neck as her hands rest on his chest, her right one feeling the strong, steady beating of his heart.

Despite being their own wedding, the two haven't had the time to be together, mainly because these past four / five hours were spent taking pictures and thanking everyone for their presence, so they could use some time for themselves by now. Thankfully, nobody interrupts their moment.

Thomas wraps his arms around Teresa's waist, holding her close to him, enjoying her company and comfort just like she is enjoying his.

"I can't believe we're already married... it feels like a dream to me, still." Teresa murmurs with a soft smile on her face, lifting her head to look properly at the eyes she had fallen in love with and still does.

"Me neither..." For them, it still feels like they've gotten together yesterday. 

"Today was perfect, Tom. Really. I couldn't have wished for it to be any other way. It was perfect." Teresa isn't able to say much more, because her eyes are already getting watery with the emotion.

Every passing minute she is even more sure that Thomas is the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with.

And Thomas feels that too.

His right hand travels up to cup her face, drawing small circles on her rosy cheek as he wipes some tears that had fallen.

She's utterly beautiful in his eyes. Her blue, bright ones staring so dearly at his', a smile stretched on her pink lips.

He smiles softly, leaning down to rest his forehead against hers.

"Well," he stops, his smile turning into a somehow softer one, causing for Teresa's heart to skip a beat. "Perfection has nothing on you."


How come I've never written a one shot about them getting married? Like, how??? 😂

I hope you enjoyed and see you next chapter!

Love you! ❤

(Guys, if you've seen Teen Wolf and ship Stydia, my best friend stydias_bat just started writing a one shots book and it would mean THE WORLD to her if you would check it out. You won't be disappointed 😄 Thank u and see you soon!!!)

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