Don't Leave Me

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Heyyooo guys!

Sorry for my loooong inactivity but finally my mind is on place and I have some ideas to update with.

I hope you enjoy 😊

(Just for best understanding of this one shot, just imagine their memories come back the moment they leave the Maze 😁)


"Are you scared?" Her voice is small in the dark room, her tone reverberating through the walls and breaking the defining silence that had set in the air the moment she entered his room.

They've been trying to sleep for too long, hours even, but neither of the two ended up falling asleep. They're just laying down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling that is softly illuminated by the small light coming from the top of the door, with their hands calmly resting on their stomachs.

"Yeah, I think." He answers with the same tone. "I mean, I know we've been planning this day for a long time now, but I guess it just really downed on me a few hours ago." He finishes with a whisper.

Teresa feels the warmth from his body radiating to hers as their shoulders are brushing each other. Soon, the movement on her side tells her that Thomas is turning around.

He lays on his side, head resting on his hand, and somehow even in the darkness of the night, their eyes meet the other as if every light had been turned on.

"Are you?" The boy whispers just as gently, paying attention to her features and trying to imprint on his memory the face he will forget in a few hours.

"I'm terrified." She admits, turning on her side just like he did, their hands coming up in the middle to clasp each other's tightly.

"Everything will be alright. We know what to do, we've been training for this, we're prepared."

"You're forgetting the part where we won't remember a single thing."

Thomas sighs softly, his thumb rubbing her knuckles in a soft caress that Teresa wishes she wouldn't forget, but it is inevitable. Thomas is going to the Maze tomorrow and she's going a few days time and there's nothing they can do besides accept it.

"I know..."

As if being the most natural thing to do in the World, Thomas turns on his back, taking Teresa on his arms before planting a soft, tender kiss on the top of her head, embracing her with as much comfort as he can, trying his best to make her feel better because he can't imagine Teresa in pain over him going up first to imminent death.

"Promise me one thing." She says, her tone urgent despite the hoarseness on her voice from being silent for so long.


"Don't leave me." She begs, her hand grasping the front of his shirt gently as her muscles begin to relax and sleep starts to take over.

"Only if you promise you won't leave me either." Thomas retorts, his tone lighter than before, a sad smile playing on his rosy lips.

Teresa mirrors his expression, her voice softer. "I promise."

It's risky, they know that more than anyone, but as they hold each other strongly and maintain that way as sleep takes over, they're sure they'll do anything they can and cannot do to never break that promise.


They're running through the medical corridors, running away from anyone who even thinks about stopping them, and that's funny, because Thomas is sure not even a natural disaster could stop him from searching for her, the person he's come to trust over the time he had been in the Maze, the person he remembers had been always there for him when they were little, just as he had been there for her as well.

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