A Merry Little Christmas

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Hello everyone!

Sorry for not having written anything in some days but I've been changing my rooms "design" and therefore I've been kinda busy 😅

Just a small one shot given that it's Christmas and I  wanted to write something

Basically it's a group thing with the gladers and all, but of course it has fluffy Thomesa in it 😜


Christmas has always been Teresa's favorite holiday of the year.

Even when living inside walls, with people in white coats surrounding her, she still loved the stories her friends would tell her about their families and their Christmas' activities when they were little.

She would sneak into Thomas' room like he would tell her to, and the two would walk carefully until they reached their best friends. They would spend a few hours with each other and then they would come back to their rooms in order to not get caught by the adults.

She still remembers somehow, what she would feel when the Day would approach. Through all the bad things that happened to her in such young age, she would always find a bit of happiness in those days.

And now, several years later, the feeling is still there.

She is standing with her friends around a tall tree, still void of decorations, small clouds leaving her mouth as the cold weather is felt.

"So, how do we start?" Minho's excitement is pretty clear on his voice as he claps his hands, moving them together to try to create some heat.

"I say we start with standing the tree up." Vince answers as he crouches down to the ground, receiving the help from Thomas, Newt, Minho and Frypan to hold the tree. "And then you kids can ornament it as you wish."

When on their running duties around the Safe Haven, Thomas and Minho had managed to find a pine tree and asked Vince if they could use it for Christmas. He, seeing the excitement on the kids' faces, agreed with it without thinking twice.

They manage to hold the tree to the ground, everyone helping with the task. Of course, everything happened over the bickering between Newt and Minho, who were discussing over what to decorate the tree with.

However, they didn't come up with anything.

The group stands in front of the tall tree, examining it as if an idea would pop up into their heads.

Teresa, leaning over Thomas' body, with her head on his shoulder with his arm wrapped around her tiny frame, is the first one to come up with one.

"We could use things people do in here. Something made by us, that have meaning to everyone." She says, heads turning into her direction.

She can see by the corner of her eyes a small smile forming on Thomas' face.

"It's an idea." Newt nods, smiling softly at everyone. He doesn't admit it, but he is thrilled over the holiday as well.

"We could use Sonya's stuffed figures." Harriet says, remembering that her friend makes small cloth figures to give to the children in there.

"And Brenda's decorated pine cones." Sonya proposes as well, receiving nods as response.

"We could use some kitchen utensils as well, huh?" Frypan says, wiggling his eyebrows as everyone turns to look at him.

His smile fades away.

"What?" He asks with a confused expression.


After several minutes of only ornamenting the tree, Thomas could finally remember why he used to love Christmas so much. He loved the sensations it brought to him, and still do.

Everyone is still giving final touches, and Thomas and Teresa decided to watch it from a few steps away.

It's a beautiful sight to witness. People laughing, kids playing and running around the tree, probably playing catch, the sun setting over the sea, providing the perfect color to the clouds above in the sky. It's perfect.

Thomas tightens his grip on his girlfriend, who's wrapped around his arms, her back pressed against his chest, and he sighs softly.

"You okay?" A small, sweet voice fills his ears and he looks down to the girl smiling softly at him, humming in response.

He plants a tender kiss on her forehead, lingering a bit like he always does.

"Kinda forgot what Christmas feels like." He murmurs, lowering his head to rest it on Teresa's shoulder, looking ahead of them to their friends and the now beautiful tree.

"I know... it's been awhile since we got a proper one." Teresa agrees, looking down at their intertwined hands.

In their seventeen year old selves, the only Christmas they ever got to celebrate was with their family... and they all know what happened with them, unfortunately.

They stay in a comfortable silence for a few moments, with Thomas swinging them softly to the side, until they realize that there's someone right beside them.

"Yes?" Thomas asks as he sees Minho on their right, with a smirk plastered on his face. What is he planning on doing now?

"Look up." The boy nods to his stretched arm that's unmistakably above the couple's heads, and that mischievous smile never leaves his face.

Teresa and Thomas almost don't have time to see what it is when Minho practically screams his lungs out. "MISTLETOE!"

"You'll never grow up, will you?" Thomas asks in disbelief as the two shake their heads, not managing to hide the smile on their faces.

"Now kiss you shanks, my arm is starting to ache!" Minho whisper yells as he notices that his friends are still shaking their heads with a playfull look on their faces.

Thomas spins Teresa around slowly by her waist, only to frustrate Minho even more, and by the way a groan leaves his mouth, Thomas realizes he's accomplished it.

With Teresa holding firmly to his neck, the two don't hesitate before leaning into a tender, sweet kiss, barely hearing Minho's scream of victory as the world around them turns off as it always does when they're together.

Little did they know that from that first Christmas in the Safe Haven until the rest of their lives, Minho would always place a mistletoe above their heads, and they would always kiss, just as pure and true like the first one, and Christmas would feel just like at home like it once did.


And that's it!!!

I hope you like it and Merry Christmas!

Love you! ❤

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