The Darkness of The Night

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Hello everyone!

Just to give a slight brief introduction, this one shot happens "during" the death cure, but it's sort of an AU, and it's located in the safe haven. So basically everyone is saved, but Newt is still infected, though he's under the bliss until they can precisely make the cure with Thomas' blood.

I hope it doesn't get too confusing for you, I guess you'll understand as it goes 😂


Teresa couldn't sleep that night. Maybe it was the constant feeling that they were running out of time. Maybe  it was only the exhaustion of the countless hours inside the med tents trying to make the cure as much precise as possible, obviously tiring her to the point of almost passing out when she reached her bed.

That night though, she just couldn't sleep. It was pitch black outside, and Teresa knew by the way her eyes were open wide despite the late hour and the comfort of her bed that sleep wouldn't come as fast as she wished it would.

She closed her eyes, trying to find a comfortable position before an incessant knock on her door snapped her eyes open, averting her gaze to the wooden door.

Teresa stood up, wondering who might be knocking at such time of the night, opening the door right after crossing the room's hallway and the living room.

Once her eyes laid on the figure in front of her, a look of confusion and concern washed over her features

There stood Thomas, his eyes casting low on the ground while his bottom lip trembled incessantly, and it wasn't exactly from the cold, because it was considerably warm outside.

"Did I wake you?" His low tone surprised Teresa in a way she didn't like, watching carefully as his gaze focused on her although being clear his mind was somewhere else.

"No. I couldn't sleep." She answered, noticing how he stood at he door unmoving, his muscles overly tensed. "Come in."

He remained static, his eyes unblinking while his lips parted slightly. Teresa reached out to touch his arm, coaxing him to look at her. There was something terribly wrong going on. "Come on... let's go inside."

As if waking up in the moment, Thomas finally moved, allowing Teresa to close the front door and guide them to her bedroom before collapsing in her arms, holding tightly to her as his head nuzzled on her neck.

Teresa could feel him shaking, how his hands were trembling while touching her back, and a sudden rushing feeling of fear and anxiety flood through her blood, her heart clenching inside her chest at the obvious vulnerable state Thomas was in.

After long moments, he pulled away, and only then did Teresa notice how his shirt was tainted in blood, a cut on the upper half of his chest contributing, and how his hands where full of dried blood.

Teresa gasped, her bright blue eyes looking up at his almost lifeless ones as he stared down at her. "Thomas, what happened?"

The boy didn't answer, his gaze showing a numbness of emotions that Teresa would like to understand. "Your hands..."

"It's not mine." The hoarseness on his voice only added to the growing concern forming on the pit of her stomach, but Teresa knew that whatever happened must have left him in shock, so much he couldn't help but stay put and not be able to move a muscle.

His eyes shot up to lock on hers, and Teresa saw how broke he really was, how hopeless he looked. She immediately lifted her hands to his face, cleaning the tears that had fallen without his consent. "Hey, it's okay. You're okay." She shushed, trying her best to hide the wavering in her voice for being in the dark about the events that lead him to this state.

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