The Exchange Student

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Hey guys! How are you?

So I just came up with this idea (it's like 3am right now but 🤷🏻‍♀️) and I was so pumped to write that I got slightly carried away 😂

It's an AU, and I guess the title says it all 😉



Saying that Teresa is nervous is a massive understatement. She can't help the fuzzy feeling in her stomach, and how her hands won't stop fidgeting on her lap as she and some other classmates wait patiently for the plane to land.

She can't stop wondering about who she's going to meet, or if the people she will be staying with will like her or not, or if they won't mind her presence for two whole months. Sure Teresa knows they've accepted it as it is, but still, being anxious takes your mind to very unvisited places.

A voice coming from the front of the compartment startles Teresa from her daydreams, it claiming that they should buckle as they will be landing soon.

Teresa takes a deep breath, preparing herself and anticipating the moment she lays her feet on the ground.


His mother's voice resonates through the halls of the house when she asks the boy to open the front door.

"I'm coming!" Thomas rushes down the stairs, ruffling his brother's curly hair on the way over to the living room before reaching the door.

Out of instinct, he rearranges his brown hair for the hundredth time that evening with his hand before turning the knob and opening the door.

Thomas doesn't notice it at first, too caught up on his own thoughts to fully visualize his field of vision. Once he does, he's taken slightly aback by the person standing on his front yard, how her cheeks are tainted in a bright pink and how her hand comes up to her hair so she can tuck a strand of it behind her ear.

She's mesmerizing, he thinks, not noticing the man standing right beside her.

"Thomas, honey, who is it?" His mother meets them at the front, a big smile forming on her face as she sees the student that will be staying with them has finally arrived. "Oh, hello, good afternoon!" She greets warmly.

The man clears his throat, a smile flashing on his lips as well. "Good evening, is this Mrs. Twombly?" He looks down at a few pages, probably checking something out.

"Yes, it is."

The grey haired man introduces the girl as an exchange student, and Thomas finally snaps out of his awestruck expression once her name comes out of the man's mouth.

"This is Teresa Agnes, she will be staying with you for the next two months. We hope you all get along well, as well as learn and take something good out from this experience."

Thomas is sure he has never heard something so heart whelming in his life. They're still all standing on the porch, though Thomas can already feel that the next few weeks will be the most challenging of his whole existence.

"Thomas, why don't you take Teresa inside and show her her room while I talk to her coordinator?"

Thomas nods in silence, his eyes cast down low as he opens the door wider for them to get in. Before they do though, his mother holds the girl's hand gently, smiling down at her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Teresa. I hope you enjoy being here with us."

Thomesa ~ One Shots [Volume II]Where stories live. Discover now