Who Are You?

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Hello guys!

Sorry for my slight absence, I've been quite sick these days but I'm fortunately getting better so I'm back better than ever 😂

This is kinda (reeealy) long but I hope you enjoy nevertheless!

(P.s: does not follow the books exactly, since I've read them a good while ago and I don't remember the exact dialogue 😂)


It's been happening more often.

Way more often than Thomas would like for it to happen.

Since he came up into the Maze, aside from all the confusion and reluctancy he's been feeling, a deep ache of loss has been bugging the boy's mind to the point of frustration and he doesn't even know why.

He would have them at different times of the day, more than once, and they would vanish away just as they stopped. They are always different everytime they come and the reason why it happens is still unknown to Thomas, and for what he has seen so far, will continue that way.

He's currently helping Newt growing some crops in the garden, using all his power of will to listen to the blonde boy's explanation, when it happens again.

"Thomas, come on!" The voice of a girl is heard, soft giggles making their way into Thomas' ears.

He can't help but smile, the one that doesn't come too often in him, the kind of smile that reaches his eyes and wrinkles them with beautiful marks.

"I told you, I'm not going." He says firmly, but not in an aggressive way. More like in a stubborn way, like he's so used to do. Still, the smile doesn't leave his lips.

"Yes, you are." He feels something on his right hand, starting as a soft touch and then transforming into a steady grip.

"No, I'm not." He replies.

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm n-"

He isn't left with much choice as he's carried out of the door with the girl tugging at his hand, their  laughter filling the air and their ears, turning the world into a better place somehow.

The two run through different hallways and doors, their hands still clasped together as they reach the end of a long, white corridor, a metal doors with a strong knob the same material as the door blocking the way.

"See, I told you we wouldn't be able to cross it." Thomas affirms smugly while chuckling, already turning around on his feet to return to his room, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh yeah? And what about this?"

Thomas looks around, his mouth slightly agape as he looks at the key in the girls' hand. He walks towards her.

"How did you get it?" He asks astonished, examining the key like it is precious material. And maybe it is.

"A magician never reveals their tricks." He sees the all too familiar smirk form on the girl's face, her arms crossing at her chest.

Thomesa ~ One Shots [Volume II]Where stories live. Discover now