You Belong With Me

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Hey guys, I honestly don't know what this is, just felt like writing this at the moment (bear with me pls 😅)

It's really cliche and wrong but hey! everyone loves cliche, right? 😂

Oh and... MAY include mature content (it does xD)

Seriously though, what's gotten into me 🤦‍♀️😂


It had been a little bit over four months since all went downhill: when Teresa had barged into their house, her face strained in tears as she looked down to his sitting figure, all the while cursing at herself for being so weak and ending up crying her eyes out.

They had a heated argument where confessions were made and feelings were put at risk, until Teresa had politely asked him to leave. He complied her wish, but not before saying the words she came to realize were her weakness coming from him.

"I love you." He had said and that was the necessary to leave both of them crying for the night, both in separate houses, wishing that they were close to the other once again.

It took a bit over 4 months to snap Thomas out of the trance he had been on.

"You do realize you're risking your shuck faced life by going to her house to talk to her, right?" Minho asked as they had lunch together.

"Even though I believe you two should talk, maybe now is still not the right time, Tommy."

But Thomas didn't take his friends' advice too seriously - though he knew they were right - and decided to walk through the Safe Haven to where the small houses were built. He found the one he was searching for, and after a moment of hesitation, he knocked on the wooden door softly.

His heart pounded inside his chest, his hands getting fidgety with anxiety as he waited for her to open the door. She did a few seconds later.

By the expression in her face, she wasn't expecting his visit that soon.

"What are you doing here?" She asked coldly, glancing up at him carefully.

"Can I come in?" Thomas asked softly, eyeing her as honestly as possible.

She seemed to sense the importance in his tone, and that was one of the main reasons why she had let him in. Teresa would never admit that she missed him right when the situation they were in was all because of him.

Thomas got inside, stopping in the middle of the living room, turning to face her as her arms crossed on her chest.

"How have you been?" He asked honestly because although he could still see her during the day, he was genuinely concerned about her.

Teresa only looked at him pointedly.

"Look, Teresa, I know you might probably hate me right now but I can't take this anymore." Thomas started slowly, his initial intentions of getting Teresa to talk to him being his priority. "It's been too long and I'm constantly thinking about you and what happened to us."

"You should've thought about that before you kissed Brenda." It was a low blow, Teresa knew that, but her blood was starting to boil inside her veins with the overflowing frustration.

The boy seemed to have been taken aback with the remark by the way his eyes wided in surprise, but he managed to stay put all the time. "I didn't kiss Brenda, you know that. She kissed me."

"That's what all of you say, isn't it? It's never you." Teresa answered rapidly despite the cracking in her voice. She couldn't let the feelings get the best of her and she was definitely failing.

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