But Still I Find You Next To Me

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Hello again!

Title inspired by Next To Me by the Imagine Dragons 😊

You can also listen to the song while reading, I think it goes well with the story.
I'll tell you when to 💗


He feels like he's drowning.

Everything around him is slightly blurry, the colors are far from being bright and the slight wind causing his skin to crawl into goosebumps and chill running down his spine isn't helping him focus.

He lifts a hand to his forehead, confirming his speculations about it bring covered with thin layers of sweat.

The boy's eyes wander through the dark place, searching for something, anything that would give him some kind of comfort or consolation. But instead, he finds nothing.

And so he starts running.

He just runs. He lets his legs move by themselves through the unknown place, giving out panting breaths as he feels himself coming to a stop in the same place he had been previously on. He still doesn't know where.


He hears a voice calling for his name. He turns his head around to the direction of the sound, eyes wide searching for the person he knows all too well that voice belongs to.

He feels tears coming as soon as he sees her form coming from behind a tree he hadn't realized was there before. Thomas can't stop shaking. He knows all too well what this is going to lead to. It's not the first time this happens and he's pretty sure it will not be the last time.

He doesn't talk. He just walks towards her, each step being harder to take than the one before.

"You know it's your fault." He hears her again, and he lifts his eyes to look at her, paying attention to her expressions. The thought that he dreaded the most was becoming true.

Her face is hard, brows slightly creased upon her beautiful eyes that once were blue. Now they had a tone of grey in them. She looks just the same, and maybe that's what scares Thomas the most.

"Everything that happened, it's your fault."

Thomas closes his eyes shut and his hands rise to his ears, trying so desperately to block those words of reaching his mind. Specially by it being the words coming from that person.

"This is all your fault!" Her voice rises in tone as Thomas turns away from her, tears falling like a cascade down his cheeks. "They're dead because of you!"

"No, no, no..." He mumbles, pressing his hands strongly in his ears. "It's not..."

"It is! You're the reason our friends are dead! They died because of you!"

Thomas shakes his head feverously, trying to take the image of his friends dying right in front of him out of his mind.

"I died because of you!"

And Thomas finally screams, all the desperation coming all at once as his chest tightens with pain and sadness and all those feelings that make him feel guilty. He screams until his throat gets sore.

Or until he opens his eyes and sees the moonlight hitting his bed, on his room.

The boy is still panting, breathing heavily as he jolts upwards, sitting in the middle of the bed, his t-shirt sticking to his body as the droplets of sweat form on his skin.

(Start the song 😊)

He looks around his room, coming to the conclusion that he's safe, alone, yes, but not trapped inside a horrible nightmare.

But was it really a nightmare?

Thomas shivers as the thought comes to his mind and he immediately storms out of his cabin to the world outside, not minding getting a jacket on the way. He walks fast through the silent grass, listening to the sound of the waves just down the shore. It's soothing, somehow, but in the state he is now, nothing is able to calm him down.

He stops in front of the door before knocking in a not-so-softly way, and when it doesn't open for some good twenty seconds, he starts to fear the worst.

What if it wasn't just a nightmare and she's indeed dead and it's all his fault? What if he didn't really pushed her inside that Berg and she died because of him?

The salty tears start falling again and he's about to leave when the door swings open, showing a very sleepy Teresa, her hair going all ways but still fascinating nevertheless.

"Tom? Is everything alright?"

It's all it takes for him to enter the house and pull her to him, his arms around her back, holding her tightly.

Teresa is taken aback, but doesn't hesitate when the boy embraces her tightly, and holds him just as strongly as he is to her.

She rubs his shoulders blades comfortingly, waiting for the weeping boy to calm himself and slow his breathing as it tickles her neck.

"Thomas, what happened?" Teresa asks as they pull away when she is sure he's more in control of his emotions. It was still hard for Teresa to see her closest friend, her anchor, so broken.

Thomas wipes his tears with the back of his hand, not looking straight to the girl as if afraid that she'd judge him for being so weak. Although he knows she would never judge him for that, or for anything in that matter.


Her hands caress his cheeks, persuading him to look at her. And so he does, finding the comfort on simply her.

"It was..." He starts, clearing his throat as it is husky due to all the events that lead him to that exact place. "It was just a nightmare. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have woken you."

A smile forms on her lips and her head shakes softly at the boy in front of her. "Thomas, it's okay, you know it is."

"I know, but I still woke you up when you, from all people, need all the rest you can have." Thomas retorts as her hands fall to his own, with both of them looking down at their forms.

"Tom, you literally got shot. You should be the one resting, not me." Thomas shrugs, still looking down at their hands that somehow intertwined themselves.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Her voice gets softer (as if it was possible) and Thomas only shakes his head, eyes still darted down and his mouth closed shut.

Teresa understands. When she sometimes wakes up screaming and thrashing and goes to Thomas' house to make sure he's okay, she sometimes just needs him to be there, and keep the terrors for herself, not daring to talk about them in fear of it becoming true somehow. She would tell him in the morning anyway.

"Come on, you need to sleep."

Thomas doesn't object when she closes the front door, tugging at his hand for him to follow her into the hallway that leads to the rooms and then to her own, closing the door behind them.

They crawl into bed in silence just like they often do when the other wakes up in the middle of the night, and Teresa fits perfectly on his curves, her head resting on his chest.

"I'm always here if you need." Teresa says softly. Her voice turns into a whisper as sleep starts to consume her. "I'll always be here."

Thomas sighs, finally at peace.  It wasn't more than just a nightmare, but Thomas can't imagine what would be left of him if he ever looses her. He would be devastated without repair. However, that's not the case fortunately, and that's what Thomas tries to hold on to.

"Me too."


I hope you enjoyed!

And guys omg thank you so much for over 1.4k views! I seriously can't be more thankful for that! 😊

Love you! ❤

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