Baking And Bickering

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Hello everyone!
Enjoy this fluffy and hopefully funny chapter!


Blame Minho for asking Thomas and Teresa to bake a wedding cake for him and Harriet because that's definitely his fault.

"It's two in the freaking morning and we haven't even started the frosting..." Thomas mumbles under his breath as him and Teresa continue to kneed the cake dough.

"If you had let me mix the ingredients in the first place we wouldn't have had to make another baking dough." Teresa replies as the two furrow their eyebrows in concentration.

They're both tired and all they want is to just go to bed and sleep, but no. They'll have to finish the cake as soon as possible, given the fact that Minho's wedding is tomorrow and they are in charge of the cake.

It's the second time they do it, since Thomas had unknowingly misunderstood the recipe for the cake dough while Teresa said she was only going to change her clothes to something more comfortable. She had told him to wait for her, but Thomas being Thomas, decided to take matter into his own hands and do it by himself.

It didn't end up very well, of course.

"I'm sorry I have no experience on cooking whatsoever." Thomas says stubbornly, not one bit sorry. He is too exhausted to just shut up and end the bantering right there.

Teresa turns her head to him, eyes wide in perplexity.

"You could have at least waited for me!" She exclaims, taking the bowl of dough from his hands and pouring the liquid into a former. Teresa pouts in an adorable way that Thomas would find extremely adorable if he wasn't so exhausted.

"Oh come on... I just wanted to speed things up." Thomas retorts, his arms full of flour and eggs.

"Well, sorry to say it but you only made it worse, Tom." Teresa answered, still mad at the goofy boy beside her. "We need to finish this tonight and we're still not even halfway."

"We still have time, Teresa." Thomas answers as he looks intently at his girlfriend of six years, watching as she puts the cake on the oven, setting the timer to 30 minutes.

Teresa crosses her arms on her chest, leaning against the kitchen counter as she avoids glancing at the boy next to her, who starts smirking as he takes in the sight of the girl. She is just as stubborn as him, so she tries her best to hide the smile that is forcing its way into her lips. She won't give in so easily.

"Teresaaa..." Thomas calls in a sing song voice as he comes closer to her. "I should've waited for you, I know, I'm sorry." He continues as he stands in front of her, wrapping his arms around her waist with soft eyes staring down at her.

However, Teresa doesn't budge. Deep down, all she wants to do is give in and show him the smile she so desperately tries to hide, but two can play this game, so she doesn't.

"Come on, Teresa, you can't be mad at me forever, can you?" Thomas asks sweetly, knowing all too well that Teresa can't get mad at him.

"No, but I still want to throw flour at your face." She murmurs, eyes still fixated on her arms as a smirk starts to form on her lips.

Thomas considers whether he should or should not let Teresa do what she wants to do, but after realizing that they're like this, standing in the middle of the kitchen at almost 2:15 in the morning because of him, flour being thrown at him is quite a fair revenge.

He unlocks his arms from around her, taking a step back as he watches her eyes dart to his figure and brows furrowing in confusion as she takes in his movements.

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