I Only Ever Cared For...

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Hello!!! How have you been?

So sorry in advance for this,
okay? Please forgive me 😁


The piercing sound of the strong stone walls deteriorating is enough to create even more chaos and destruction among the group of Immunes escaping the Maze.

Minho is at the front, close to the flat trans, making sure everyone gets in safe, while Thomas is still escaping from Grievers and falling rocks at the back.

A strong explosion shakes Thomas to the insides of his 206 bones, and he looks around frantically trying to locate the block of concrete in imminent fall.

He catches a glimpse of it when his eyes adjust to the smoke, and he realizes that he's the one the rock will land on soon.

He shuts his eyes as strongly as he can, holding on to every memory of his friends while the grey stone falls towards him. But he can't move. He can't walk or use any muscle to get himself moving. He's just in shock.

He remembers Chuck, and Newt, and every other friend he has lost because of this. Because of this place, that surprisingly, never fails to surprise.

Thomas embraces himself for the impact, silently thanking Minho, Brenda and Frypan for sticking with him when no one else did, and for still being there for him.

He also thanks the two boys named before, the boy who deserved the world but the world had different perspectives on that, and the other boy a little bit older than Thomas, who always knew how to cheer anyone up. He was too good for the terrible life he was applied to, unfortunately.

Thomas embraces himself, automatically reaching up to shield his head, when suddenly he's on the ground, alive, and a big cloud of dust surrounds him, turning it slightly difficult to breathe.

He coughs for some seconds, before his eyes turn to a certain blue eyed girl, laying on the floor with only her head and arm in sight, the bruises all over her face standing out with their red crimson color.

Before he catches himself, he's shouting her name and running towards her direction.

He crouches down in front of the crushed girl, reaching instinctively for her hand and holding it tightly in his, trying to somehow take her pain away.

"I'm sorry... I'm-" Tears start brimming inside his eyes, but Thomas can't quite understand if it's because of the fact that one of his best friends is dying or because the small smile she gives him is so unnaturally pure and honest that all he wants to do is take her in his arms and never let go. He believes more in the second. "I'm so sorry..." he chokes as his bottom lip quivers with emotion.

Teresa holds tightly onto his hand, as tight as her current situation lets her, and she tries to focus on the boy in front of her and not on the excruciating pain that is felt all over her body, every single part.

"Me too..." She whispers just as softly, but she knows he understands by the sudden change in his expression as realization slowly hits him. He stops moving for a second, looking at her with such a defeated look that Teresa's weak heart sinks to her pained knees.

The two of them know they don't have much more time before the flat trans closes and they get stuck here. Teresa wouldn't want and wouldn't let that happen to Thomas. To her Tom.

And so she does what she thinks is the only thing she can really say at this moment.

"I only..." She tries to say, but her voice comes out hoarse and weak. Thomas bends down quickly, his eyes screaming fear and his hand yelling forgiveness.

After clearing her throat slightly, she repeats.

"I only ever... cared for..."

And next thing Thomas knows, he's been carried away. Away from the Maze. Away from the Trials.
Away from Teresa.

The girl watches as his body slumps against the arms that are practically dragging him out.

She notices the trails of the tears that fall from his eyes, down to his shirt. She sees how his eyes apologize several times by just truly looking at them.

Teresa never stops smiling until her last word falls easily from her lips.


And then she closes her eyes, - the image of a sweet, selfless, brunette boy who somehow made her life both difficult and beautiful, the boy whom she would do anything for for him to be safe, the boy she placed in her heart since the beginning, - bringing her such feeling of peace and calmness that remains inside her body as she falls into a deep slumber, never to wake up again.


Please don't kill me, I'm completely innocent! 😅

I just really wanted to write another perspective of this particular part in the book, because I feel like this scene is so rushed in the book, that I just needed to give it another point.

Hope you enjoyed nevertheless!

Thank you! ❤

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