Night Talks

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Hi guys! 😊

Hope you're having a nice week so far!

Enjoy this fluffy/silly chapter and thank you for over 1k views!


"Have you finished yet?"

"Thomas, I've literally answered that question three minutes ago. So, no, I haven't finished yet." Teresa replies - once again - as her eyes never leave the opened laptop on her desk, books sprawled open everywhere in the comfy room.

Thomas lets out a grunt of frustration, laying on his back on top of Teresa's bed, his hands coming together on his stomach. He's clearly bored watching his girlfriend study when he knows she pretty much doesn't need it, given the fact that she's already an outstanding student.

Really. She doesn't need all these hours of studying. It's 11:30pm!

"But you've been doing it for 4 hours!" Thomas exclaims, his arms flailing to the air as he sits up on the bed, his legs reaching the floor easily. "Besides, I have nothing else to do." The boy reasons, trying to get the girl to pay attention to him.

Teresa, however, doesn't bulge. Instead, she continues her hard work on the resumes for the tests, occasionally listening to the boy's complaint, showing a small smile as her back is turned to him and she's sure he can't see her.

Thomas smirks as he finds a way to make her rest and take a break from her school work. It's Saturday night and Thomas will stay the night, she can continue her studies tomorrow, just like him.

"Ter, you're literally the smartest person I know, you're not going to fail a test just because your extremely bored boyfriend begged you to take a break." Thomas retorts, his hands moving as he talks.

A small smile forms on the girl's face as she hears Thomas' whines. And, eventhough she doesn't admit it to him, she could have a break already. Not only because her brain is getting quite fried with all the subjects, but also because Thomas is there with her and she wants to spend every passing minute with him before they part ways to go to College.

"Begged?" Teresa asks mischievously as she turns around, the smirk still plastered on her lips.

Thomas stands up slowly, taking small steps as he reaches her on the other side of the room. He closes the laptop with his finger, a knowing smile forming on his lips as well.

"That's how much I want you to take a  break." He retorts, spinning the rolling chair so that Teresa is facing him. "Will you hear me now?"

Her face turns into a slight frown. "Tom, you know this is an important test, and you know that if I don't get a good mark I won't get in."

"But," Thomas starts, crouching down in front of her to pull a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I also know that there's no reason for you to freak out. You'll do great, like you always do."

Her face softens, a sweet smile forming as she watches Thomas playing with their fingers on her lap, intertwining them together every now and then.

He lifts his gaze to her, his chocolate brown eyes sparkling like they always manage to be whenever he sees her, and the smile reaches them easily.

"So, can we go to bed now? I'm tired."

"Tired of doing nothing, huh?" Teresa chuckles at her own remark when the boy frowns, but then places a tender kiss on his cheek, longing for a bit as his nose scrunches up in an adorable way.

The two put on their PJ's, getting inside the comfy blankets immediately afterwards.

"Have you ever thought about the fact that nobody has ever been inside an empty room?"

Teresa's eyebrows furrow in confusion as she listens to the steady heartbeat on his chest, her left hand encircling his waist as his left arm pulls her towards his front, laid down.

"What?" She's so taken aback by the question that she needs to hear it again to be sure she isn't hearing things.

"No one will ever be able to be inside an empty room." The boy repeats, his voice soft over the nights' silence.

"From where is this coming from?" Her eyebrows raise in curiosity as her bright blue eyes sparkle in beautiful ways.

She feels him shrugging his shoulders before they fall into a comfortable silence. Teresa closes her eyes again, feeling the tiredness of the day beginning to weight down on her eyelids.

Thomas, however, is as awake as a night owl.

"Did you know that the barcode scanners actually scan the white spaces and not the black ones?" He rambles once again.

Teresa mumbles incoherent words with slight frustration when her eyes shot open with the vibrations in her head, pulling her from her rest.

Despite his rambling, Teresa can't help the sudden feeling of joy for having him by her side, his hold on her steady and sweet.

"I actually didn't know that." Teresa comments, lifting her head swiftly to look at his eyes before returning to her previous position. "Now let's get some sleep, okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, that's good." Thomas says as the two turn to their sides, Teresa's back pressed against his chest as his arms snake around her waist. Smiles form on their lips when they fir perfectly and get extremely comfortable in each other's arms.

"Goodnight, Tom." Teresa mumbles, closing her eyes as a feeling of calmness washes over her.

"Goodnight, Teresa." Teresa feels a kiss being pressed agaisnt her hair and her smile gets bigger, creating small dimples on her rosy cheeks.

The dark haired girl is almost falling asleep when his voice breaks through the silence once again.

"But did you know tha-"

"Oh my God!"


I hope you enjoyed this short chappie and see you soon!

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