Lost Girls

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My brown hair fell in ringlets as my white heels clicked against the cement

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My brown hair fell in ringlets as my white heels clicked against the cement. "I'm telling you he was an absolute ass Bon." I told Bonnie who sighed. "Yeah he is going around trying to spread things. Luckily I caught the rumor before Tyler did." She said and I laughed. "Thanks Bonnie, hey are we still on for movie night tonight?" I asked and she just says, "course! Be at my place at 6?" She asked and I cleared my throat, "I'll be there. I gotta go Bonnie." Hanging up I spotted Stefan waving me over.

"Hey Stef. Why the long face?" I joked. "She knows Aaliyah." He told me and I sighed, "shit. Is she okay?" I asked and he shrugged. "I'll fix this, just.. invite her to the grill like you did me. Let her ask her questions and go from there." I said and he smiled, "You're amazing Aaliyah." He hugged me before walking away.

Later that night, I knocked on Bonnie's door and she opened it with a big smile on her face. " come in. Come in." She told me and ushered me in. I've known Bonnie my whole life, well since I was 6, but I've never been to her house or met her Grams. "Grams this is Aaliyah Lockwood." She said and Grams smiled before shaking my hand. "You're adopted aren't you?" She asked and I nodded.

"You have witch ancestors." She said it so bluntly and I was taken aback. "Grams!" Bonnie called out but I shook my head. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Have you ever had something happen. Something you can't e plain?" I nodded again thinking of pushing Damon back. She turned to Bonnie and said, "Just like you. You guys can unlock and discover your magic together." She then cleared her throat and stood up, "have a great movie night girls." She left the room and I turned to Bonnie. "What the hell was that?"

I slammed my door behind me and took a deep breathe. I got an idea and smirked, as I raised a hand up. "Come on." I breathed as nothing happened. I then focused on a shirt by my bed post. I stared long and hard until it came flying at me. I caught it and silently cheered. I walked over to my vanity and sat down as I stared at my candle. Getting an idea in my head I leaned my head down and blew on the wick, but became disappointed when nothing happened. "Okay so no magic fire breathe like the chick on Practical Magic." I mumbled. I lazily tapped my finger on the glass surrounding the candle and it lit making me jump.

I blew it out and then stared at it. I blinked and it lit again. "Sweet." I mumbled and smirked. I grabbed my phone and opened Stefan's messages

Need to talk. ASAP.

I locked my phone as I looked myself in the mirror. I'm a witch.

Tyler threw my door open making me jump. "Can you knock like a civilized person?" I snapped and he sighed. He walked in and sat on my bed. I turned to him and said, "remember at the car wash when Teagan made the snide comment about us well.. me?" I asked and he nodded. "He's going around telling people I'm sleeping with him." I told him and he rolled his eyes. "I'll take care of it sis." He said and I smiled as he slid off my bed. He came over and kissed my head before leaving.
I walked through the woods as the moon was above me. I sighed deeply as I stepped over a root. I heard a close gunshot and my head jerked in the direction. I shook my head having an inner battle with myself but my curiosity won. I ran towards it finding Damon feeding on someone while Vicky cried and Stefan was on the ground. I rushed up to Stefan who looked shocked and had a pleading look in his eyes. I turned and picked up what looked to be a golden compus. I slid it in my jacket pocket as Damon threw Logan Fell on the ground. "What do we do!?" I asked and he looked at me curious. He pushed his curiosity to the side and leaned on Stefan before jabbing his fingers in the bullet hole making me cringe.

He pulled something out looking at it. "It's wood. They know. If anyone's gonna kill you, it's gonna be me. My ring." He told Stefan who reached into his pocket and gave it to him. Hearing the tearing of flesh we all turned to see Vicki drinking Logan's blood. "No! No! Vicki!" Stefan yelled out. "I'm sorry." Vicky said while Damon smirks, "Oops" Damon got Vicky out and Stefan took my hand as we heard a twig break. In a blink of an eye I was on the Lockwood Estate. "Are you okay?" I asked and he chuckled. "I'm alright. You wanted to talk to me?" He said and went quiet. "Go get your girl Salvatore. It can wait." I said and pushed him making him laugh as he smiled and took off.

I went inside and my mom was waiting for me. "There you are!" She snapped and hugged me making me laugh. "I'm fine mom. I was out by the pond." She just sighed and hugged me tighter before letting me go upstairs. I closed my bedroom door behind me and sighed as I pulled the compus out.

Now what do you do?

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