Smells Like Teen Spirit

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I sat at my vanity and stared at my hair. I brushed through it, as I felt wind hit my face. "How are you feeling?" I looked up and turned around. "I don't know." I told him and stood up. "I lied to my mom and told her Noah and I broke up, and he moved away. What am I supposed to tell her? An old vampire ripped his heart out in front of me?" I asked and sighed as I laid back on my bed.

My bed dipped and I turned seeing Damon staring at me. "want me to help you?" He asked and I leaned up. "I wish you could." I said and he chuckled. "Alright get up, you're going to school today." He ordered me and pulled me out of bed and went to my closet throwing clothes at me.

I groaned and picked them up to change into them. Damon left the room and I changed before he came back. I brushed through my hair and nodded to myself. "Good, lets go. I need you for something and then i'll take you to school." He told me and took my hand.


Damon and I sat outside the school in my car, as he just hung up with Katherine

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Damon and I sat outside the school in my car, as he just hung up with Katherine. "Wait, Mikeal can take down Klaus?" I asked and he smirked. "Well how the hell do we wake him up?" I asked and he shrugged. "Katherine is trying to wake him up but apparently he isn't hungry." Damon told me and I toyed with my necklace. "Maybe Celia knows?" I asked and looked around. "Watch out for someone." I told him and grabbed my grimore.

I opened the book and held my hands over it as it turned to the page I needed. I cleared my throat and grabbed a candle from my back seat. "Hold this." I told Damon handing it to him. He grabbed it and held it up as I blew on the wick, and it enflamed.

"Ven el forte es cufe, Ven el forte es cufe, Ven el forte es cufe, Ven el forte es cufe." I gasped as suddenly it was dark and Celia stood in front of me. "Celia." I breathed and she hugged me. "I saw what happened to Noah, I'm sorry that happened Aaliyah." She told me and I nodded. "I actually came to ask you a couple questions about Klaus."

"What is it?" she asked and I sighed. "Why is Klaus scared of Mikeal?" I asked her and she smiled nodding. "Mikeal is a vampire hunter who has chased Klaus for thousands of years." She informed me. "One more question.. How do we wake him up?" I asked and she smirked with mischif in her eyes.


I turned to Damon who looked at me questionably. "Feed him a vampire."


I walk in the school and went to Alaric's classroom. I was stopped in the hall by Stefan who smirked at me. "Yes Stef?" I asked but he didn't say anything and just walked after sime girl. I made a confused face and went in Alaric's room. Before history class, Alaric and Elena are alone in his classroom, and turns to me as I enter. "What the hell is he doing here?" I asked indicating to Stefan. "Klaus compelled him to watch over me. Apparently I'm one of Klaus's assets now that my blood is the only way to create a hybrid."

"Now he's a bodyguard?" Alaric asks, "I don't know what he is. But he's definitely not Stefan." Elena tells us as The school bell rings and some students enter. Elena lowers her voice. "Look, his being here is not good for any of us. We have to do something."

The students enter the classroom. Elena goes to her chair. Caroline sits next to her and a guy sits on the other side but Stefan enters and goes toward him. "You're in my seat." He smiles at Elena and sits next to her. Caroline looks at me as I sit in front of her. Tyler walks in and kissed my head sitting next to Caroline.

I look up at Alaric who has written "AP AMERICAN HISTORY" on the blackboard in chalk. "Welcome back, seniors. Let's turn our brains back on, starting with this country's original founders...the Native Americans.

Rebekah then enters the classroom, "What about the Vikings?" She asks as she takes a seat at a desk. Tyler, Caroline and Elena look at her, as I roll my eyes. "There's no evidence that Viking explorers actually settled in the United States. Who are you?" Alaric asks, " My name's Rebekah. I'm new. And history's my favorite subject."


After school we had cheerleading practice. On the football field practice is underway and cheerleaders are practicing on the side of the pitch. "Good afternoon ladies!!" I called out as I held my clipboard. Caroline stood next to me as they all turned to me. "I'm Aaliyah Lockwood. Your cheer captain for all extents and purposes!" I called out, "This is Caroline, my number two, after practice we have tryouts, so practice today will be a half hour short."

"Has anybody seen Dana?" Jan called out and I grimaced as Rebekah arrives. "Sounds like you have an opening on the squad." I rolled my eyes, "Alright everyone start stretching!"

"What are you doing?" I snap as Rebekah stretches but Caroline is still standing next to her. "Hey. Hey. You can't just come here and infiltrate all of our lives." Caroline snaps, "I'm only interested in yours. Your spunk, your popularity." She looks at Tyler practicing on the field. "Maybe even your boyfriend.
I laughed loudly, "Alright our new recruits will be learning the opening fight song cheer, so let's get it down right now." I instructed them, as Caroline excused herself.--

I rushed through the bonfire looking for Bonnie with Matt on the phone.  "Matt! Matt, slow down. What happened?" I asked as I walked away from the noise. "I messed up, Liyah, Vickis back." He tells me and I scrunch my face up, "What? How? Where is she?"
I run into the school to meet Matt in a classroom. "I'm so sorry. I didn't think she'd do something like this. I trusted her." He tells me and I nod, "You need to tell me exactly what you did to let Vicki out. So I know exactly how to send her back." I told him getting my grimoire out.

Matt lights a candle. I look at my grimoire. "I found a spell that can block whatever magic is helping Vicki." I tell him, "What do I do" HE asks, "Give me your hand." He holds out his hand with the cut wound from earlier. I look at it and take his other hand and cut the palm with a knife. "I'm sorry." I hissed before I started the spell.

"Aaliyah..." Matt starts, "The spell is working, Matt. She's still here because of you." I tell him, and continue with the spell. The candles burn brighter as I continue the spell. When I finish the room falls silent, "She's gone." Matt speaks and I pull him into a tight hug.


I walk into the Lockwood mansion, and hang my keys up. I sighed and went into the kitchen. I hummed as I got some water. I go upstairs and my entire room is trashed. "TYLER!" I yell as I run around the room checking everything. Tyler shows up at my door with blood on his shirt. "Holy shit." he says and I open the drawer to my vanity. I pull out a velvet box and open it finding it empty. "Damn it!" I yelled and threw it at the mirror, watching it shatter. "What is it?" he asked confused. "The necklaces Klaus and Noah gave me are gone."

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