Chapter 22

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“Jihee is nice. We can use ji as her pet name.” I suggest. Minjoon nods.

“JIII!” Minjoon exclaims and Luna Eunae huffs knowing that she has been defeated already. I chuckle.

“Jihee Moon. Welcome to the Red Moon pack. “Jin declares in his alpha tone and the new born gives a toothless smile as if she understood what the Alpha said. I can predict that she will be just like the Luna. She will be smarter than other pups in our pack but I hope her to be nothing like Minjoon because I can handle only one Minjoon at once and it goes same with everyone in the pack.

Suddenly the door opens and Jungkook bursts. He looks like his ass is on fire.

“When will you learn to knock?” jin demands but jungkook ignores his question and searches the room. His eyes stop when they land on the newborn in my arms. He strolls towards me and looks at the newborn, his eyes filled with adoration.

“Awww. Hello little one, I am samcheon jungkook.” He says and I would have missed the look of uncertainty on the newborn’s face if I wouldn’t be watching her closely.

“Can I take her?” jungkook asks like a five year old asking for sweets. As I shift the new born in my arms to hand her to jungkook I say “Be careful, don’t drop her.” He nods and carefully takes the new born from my arms.

“So are you a girl or a boy?” jungkook asks the newborn. The newborn looks at jungkook with not so curious eyes.

“Girl.” Sanae speaks.

“So girl, want to play with samcheon jungkook, eh?” jungkook asks and the newborn starts crying.

“Okay, I take that as a no.” jungkook says as he transfers the newborn back to my arms. She calms down a bit when she comes to my arms.

“She doesn’t like you jungkook.” sanae says and jungkook glares at her. Sanae chuckles but she stops when she feels my eyes on her. I have noticed that sanae has warmed up to jungkook in her short span of stay in my pack. It kind of me makes me both happy and jealous. Happy because she is starting to except my pack members slowly be it jungkook and jealous because I am not jungkook. Anyway I think a couple more make out sessions will help her warm up to me. Hmm, I should give it a try.

Finally, the doctor visits to examine Luna. Sanae moves from the chair that she has been occupying and takes a seat beside me on the couch. Jin, jungkook and Minjoon get busy watching the doctor examine Luna. I realize that no one is giving attention to us and move a little closer to her. She is quietly watching the newborn.

“Do you want to take her?” I offer. She looks up but shakes her head.

“Why?” I ask.

“I will drop her.”

“No you won’t.” I say and shift the newborn in my arms. She nods lightly and extends her arms to take the newborn. I carefully transfer the newborn to her arms, our hands brushing slightly in the process, sending small sparks in my body. I know that she felt them too but she doesn’t show any sign. As she takes the newborn in her arms, she looks at her with adoration in her eyes and a heartwarming smile on her lips. The newborn too examines my mate with her curious eyes. She looks in awe and seeing the scene in front of me; I can’t help but imagine my mate holding my pups the same way.

“Hello jihee, I am Sanae.” She says and the newborn smiles at my mate. I can’t help but smile looking at the interaction between them.

“ Aunt Sanae.” I correct her. She diverts her eyes from the newborn to me. One of her eyebrows arch upward.

“Only Sanae.” She corrects me. I chuckle lightly and shake my head to cover my growl. Leo is mad already, he can’t get along with the fact that Sanae denies our bond and relationship on every chance she gets. He is mad and he wants to be let out. He wants to show her what she means to us and all the good and bad things that we can do to her. He wants to mark her right away and intertwine with her till there’s no end and beginning. He wants to have her and spend not less than a moment away from her and I feel the same. But her denial is not helping, she is not giving me a chance.

She is not letting us in, she is not trusting us. The more I try to approach her, the higher her walls get. She is shielding herself and I don’t know why. I have to find out soon.

“Do you like babies?” I ask making an attempt to change the topic. I don’t want to debate on the topic, not now or we will end up making out again. I am totally up with the latter part but I am not planning on to do in front of these people.

“Yes.” She answers while playing with the baby. I move closer to whisper my next words in her ear.

“Want one?” I feel her take a sharp breath. She doesn’t respond to my question but tries to act oblivious to it.

“Just spend one night with me and nine months later you could be holding your own pup.” I say eyeing the baby. Her head snaps towards me and soon this realization dawns upon her that our faces are just some inches away.

“I will poison you in your sleep even before you try to get your hands on me.” She hisses and I chuckle lowly. I like her fierce side. She is like fire, bright and dangerous. Not some small one but a massive one, like a forest fire whose flames sweeps the forests and leaves nothing but ashes behind. I am more than willing to surrender to her flames and reduce to ashes if that’s what she wants.

I noticed one more thing that she responds to me more while I am teasing her compared to my attempts to strike a normal conversation with her. Maybe if I continue with it, she will warm up to me and the communication gap will lessen. Maybe the distance will lessen... Heck, I am willing to do anything to get her, to get her accept me.

“Challenge accepted.” I say and see her lips curl into a wicked smile. I can see the wheels spinning in her head already. I am not sure whether I have stepped foot in her trap or vice versa but whatever it is, it is going to be interesting.


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