Chapter 44

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“Where are you going?” Taehyung asked the she-wolf who was making an effort to get out of his arms. He wasn’t pleased with her gesture so he tightened his grip around her. After talking last night, they drifted back to sleep due to exhaustion. It was morning now and to support the fact, plenty of sunlight was sneaking in through the window in their room.

“What are you doing?” She asked back as she tried to pry herself from his arms. They were heavy and squeezed all the air out of her as he tightened his grip even more.

“Where are you going?” He asked again, his voice sleepy but the fact that his mate was trying to get out from his arms was enough for his body to act against her.

“It’s morning. We have to get up.” Sanae tried to reason which made him pull her closer and bury his nose in the crook of her neck instead. When his lips brushed her still-healing mark she felt goosebumps erupt from her skin. Her wolf purred at the feeling. Taehyung was in no mood of getting out of the bed soon and so was his wolf and so was her wolf. Sanae wanted to get out of the bed but being only one against those three, it wasn’t helping her.

“So?” He asked his voice husky as he buried his nose deeper into the crook of her neck.

“So?” She asked back knowing that he was using jungkook’s tactics on her. It annoyed her whenever jungkook tried his tantics on her but she couldn’t deny the fact that it was a good way to annoy a person and she was already dying to test it on hoseok. She was sure that it will drive him crazy since he lacked patience.


“I need to pee so, let me go.” She tried to free herself but his actions told her that she has to hold it for a while, or maybe a day.

“Ah, you are just trying to get away from me.” He whispered in her ear his voice huskier as he draped one of his legs on her to cage her with his body.

“I really need to pee.” She said struggling to get out of his hold and she wasn’t lying. Her bladder was going to burst if she didn’t go the bathroom soon. Fortunately, Taehyung let her go but as soon as she was back from the bathroom, he pulled her back to his bed and tangled his body with hers. She sighed at his actions but internally she was also enjoying this. His touch sending delicious tingly sensations throughout her whole body and his body warm against hers and the major part of her wanted to lay with him all day but a voice in her head was urging her to get up because she had an important task to finish. It was already too late and she knew that she had to act faster.

The room smelled like ashes and burned things but it was not a concern for them as they were occupied with each other. taehyung was more than happy. Last night has been his best one. He was able to sleep peacefully and Leo was also at peace after a long time. This morning he woke up happy, unlike other days when he feels grumpy and tired and why not! She was in his arms, he woke up with her and that was the best thing for him. He was pulled out of his thoughts when Sanae tried to move away from his touch again.

“What is it now?” He asked annoyed by her actions. He wanted to lay on his bed with her all day but she seemed to have different plans for the day.

“We have to get up.” She commanded her voice stern.

“Why? Don’t you want to make babies yet?” He asked and he didn’t miss the blush that appeared on her cheeks. He chuckled at her reaction. He remembered their conversation when she was throwing up blood. How he was begging her to not to leave him and she asked him the same thing as he did now. He was really excited to think about both the process of making babies and their babies. Now that he has her slowly, they will be starting a family.

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