Chapter 29

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“So what?” I ask jungkook who has been trying to pick on me but has been failing constantly.





“So won’t you run away this time? Or try to get out the border patrol pattern from me?” He asks offering me. I raise an eyebrow at him.

“You seem too enthusiastic to tell me about it this time.” I state. He smirks and asks “Am I?”

“So?” He tries again and I glare at him. Now he is really getting on my nerves. Here I am trying to think about all things that I have to explain to taehyung and here this Gamma is trying to eat  all of my brain cells.

“So is your ass okay?” I ask him getting back at him. He growls at me but keeps his mouth shut.

“Why are you here?” I ask.

“This is not your house.” He states.

“And neither is yours.”

“I am here to look after you.”

“Seems like I am looking after you.” I say and he growls at me. It is true; I have been looking after him. He has been trying to sneak in to the kitchen in the short duration of his presence in this house. I have caught him looking at the fridge with a longing look several times and I wouldn’t be surprised if he declared it his mate. Now I have the answer to Taehyung’s questioning looks when he opens the fridge in the morning only to find it half empty.

“So?” He has started his annoying little game again.

“So, want me to go near your lower back?” I offer him, “But I won’t have the effect that Daisy has.” I add and he growls in response.

“Why are you waiting for taehyung?” He asks.

“None of your business.”


“You know you can scratch your ass if it is itching. You don’t always have to have Daisy to do-”

“Leave my ass alon-”

“Leave me alone.” I cut him, grinding my teeth in both frustration and having to wait long. Jungkook told me that Taehyung will return late in the afternoon or it could also take him the whole afternoon and he might return in the evening.

It’s eating me up from inside that I have to wait that long. I wish if he could manage to come in the afternoon. I really want to talk to him, I want to tell him everything. It’s been long I have been suppressing things and now it hurts. It hurts bad. Really bad. After last night I feel guilty hiding all the things from him and not giving him the chance that he deserves. I feel guilty for assuming him to be like my previous mate. I feel guilty for taking him for granted. I feel guilty and I  ready  everything to make things up. We can start again. We will start again. I know he will never give up on me. Ever.

“Sorry, not possible. Alpha will kill-”

“And if you don’t shut that mouth of yours then I promise you that you will be going to your grave early.” I growl at him but he smirks in response.

“Oh let’s see how early you can manage it.” He says with a challenging look on his face unlike the first time when Taehyung  left him to look after me.

“So you have grown some balls.” I state and he smirks.

“Want to have a look at them?” He offers, a sly smile playing on his lips and I can’t help but cringe at his offer.

“Don’t make me do something to them that will make you have trouble making babies in future.”

“Hah, my mate will haunt you for destroying my balls.”

“Gah, what man are you if you can’t even look after your own balls.” At this he looks offended.

“I will show you-”

“Your balls? Oh no I am not interested in seeing that poor thing of yours. Save it for your mate.” I say and wink at him. He growls at me in response.

“I will-”

“You will what?”

“I will-”

“Hey look!” I say as I point to the floor. He looks down to where my figure is pointing.

“What?” He asks, trying to find out the what my finger is pointing out to.

“Your Balls.” He looks around searching the floor as if he dropped something but stops when he realizes what I have just said. He glares and growls at me. I can’t help but laugh at his actions.

“How dare you-”

“Touch your balls?” I cut him and add “Ah, I never would. As I have already mentioned that I am not much found of them, you see.” He looks taken back. He opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. He clutch his head and pull his hairs.

“Oh calm down boy, Don’t worry, one day you will find someone who will value your family jewels more than real jewels.” He shakes his head at me.

“You are impossible.” He states. I chuckle.

“Do you tell such jokes to people before killing them?” He asks faking curiosity in his voice.

“Do you want to find out?”

“No. Never.”

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night:)

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