Chapter 32

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After the shower, I dry my hair and wear one of the dresses that Eunae bought me. After I dressed I went to Taehyung’s room again only to find the door open and the room empty this time. He must have gone downstairs. I go downstairs and find Taehyung there, who was sitting on the couch and looking at some papers.

“Taehyung we –”

“Let’s go we are running late.” He cuts me and motions towards the main door. I follow him and together we step out of the house. It is dark outside and the stars in the sky have come out, unlike the moon.

I wait as he locks the door and then follow him as he leads me to the place of the ceremony. As we walk, I revise all the things that I have to tell him but when I open my mouth to speak, nothing comes out. I don’t know how to start. I look at Taehyung, whose face is void of emotion and his eyes fixed ahead on the road. I have to do this. I have to tell him.

“So?” I didn’t realize that I said that monosyllabic word until his head turned to look at me. He gave me a brief look, his eyes wandering all over my face but still no emotion in his. I am playing on jungkook’s strategy to strike a conversation with him.

“Don’t act like jungkook.” He says, his voice firm, void of any emotion just like his face.

“What’s wrong with you taehyung?” I find myself asking this. He stops walking and turns around to face me. It was all of a sudden that I almost bumped into him. I search his face again but he seems to be hell-bent on not to show any emotion to me.

“What’s wrong with you Sanae?” He asks his voice not coming firm this time, betraying his efforts to hide his emotions. I step closer and put my hand on his arm. I sense his body tense under my touch and the waves of sparks shoot from the contact of our skin. Slowly, I see the emotions making their way to Taehyung’s face. I see his eyes change color and he steps a little closer.

“Tae we-“He slips his hand through mine and tangles his fingers with mine.

“I love it ” he said out of nowhere.


“when you call me Tae ” he slightly pulled me.

“but Later.” He says and then starts walking again. I have never held hands like this before and mate or not, I feel some sort of relief wash over my body. Calliope purrs in delight and I internally shake my head at her. He leads me outside of a small building which looks more like a warehouse from outside. As we near the building, I see some pack members standing by the entrance and chatting. The air is filled with soft music and murmuring of the people. When we reach the entrance someone greets Taehyung and suddenly, the murmur dies and I feel everyone’s eyes on me.

Being an assassin, I have learned to dwell in shadows and be one of them. I am best at being invisible and that’s what I have been doing all my life. But right now feeling so many eyes on me, I am on the verge of having a panic attack. I have never been best at making public appearances and to be straightforward, being an assassin; I never had to make a public appearance. I mean, who would like to meet an assassin until and unless you have a death appointment fixed with one. Assassins don’t socialize.

Everyone is eyeing me and no one is making any attempt to hide the hate and disgust on their faces. Some of the people are evening glaring at me. Honestly speaking, this is not something new to me. I got treated like this in my previous pack too. In fact, I got treated like this wherever I went. It’s one of the requisites of being an assassin.

Tae must have noticed the same because I feel him moving faster than his usual pace. As we enter the warehouse, we are met with more people. I look around, observing the place and at the same time trying to act oblivious to all the nasty looks people were giving to me. This place looks nothing like a warehouse from inside. The place is big, really big and it is beautifully decorated. I spot an orchestra playing at one corner and an elevated platform in the middle of the room.

“Taehyung. There you are!” I hear someone call out for my mate. I intentionally move closer to him, my fingers tightening around his. He senses my distress and I feel him rubbing his thumb on my hand followed by a little squeeze as if assuring me that he won’t leave me.

“Good evening Namjoon.” Taehyung greets a man nearing us. He looks to be a warrior.

“Good evening Taehyung.” Even though Namjoon was speaking with Taehyung his eyes were on me.

“So... this is your... mate.” namjoon says with a sly smile on his face.

“Yes. This is Sanae, she is my mate.” As Taehyung introduces me to him, I feel a shiver run down my spine. I have never been introduced like this. Many things are new to me here. First assassins are not much social and second, I am not used to this new identity. Some part of me hasn’t come into terms that Taehyung is my mate.

“Hello,” I say trying to be social. I have never been the person with social graces and I never learned them because first, assassins are not social and second, I invested the time somewhere more useful (like making deadly poisons and learning cool maneuvers).

“Hello, Sanae. So you are an assassin, right?” He asks and I sense Taehyung tense beside me. I can already imagine all the things that are going to happen next.

That’s why assassins don’t socialize.

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night:)

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