Chapter 8

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’She is gone’ or I think ’she just disappeared in thin air’ will be more appropriate to say. She disappeared...with Minjoon. She took him. I followed her scent to our boundary and after that I found nothing. It’s like she teleported.

Gosh, it is killing me. The fact that she is away is killing Leo and the fact that she took Minjoon is killing me... okay okay I accept that I am not happy with her being away too. It’s killing me too. But Minjoon is my priority and she took him. She took our future Alpha to her pack which happens to be the Night Walkers, who happen to be ′best friends’ with us. Just perfect. Note the sarcasm please.

I don’t know whether I should trust her or not. My logical part is saying not to trust her with Minjoon. But the wolf in me is saying that Minjoon is safe with her and it’s hard for me to convince that to myself. In short I am fucked.

“Where is Minjoon?” jin demands in his Alpha tone. To say that he is angry will be an understatement. He is more than angry. I can see his wolf struggling in him to come on surface but he is using all the self-control in him. Luna Eunae is crying and some she wolves are trying to calm her down. She must not cry in this situation, I wanted to help but what hurts the most is that I caused this. They are in this state because of me, because I got distracted. To make the situation worse, they took the spy. We could have got to know something from him but... It’s my fault. I feel worthless. I have let them down.

This stupid mate bond. I feel rage course through me. If anything bad happens to Minjoon then I will kill every Night Walker, my mate included. I don’t need a mate who belongs to such a pack and kills innocent children. I would rather die alone. I don’t need her. No. I don’t. I have made up my mind. I will reject her. That’s it. I don’t want her anymore. And if that means I have to die of blue balls then be it. Leo shakes his head in disapproval but he has to understand. He has to face the reality. She is not good.

Not good for my pack.

“They took him.” I answer. He lets out a loud growl. Luna sobs harder.

“And you let them go?” He asks with his gritted teeth. I hang my head low, avoiding eye contact. I can feel the power radiating from him. His wolf is almost on the surface. His eyes are swapping color. If jin kills me now then I will die happily. I don’t deserve to live after what I have done. I don’t deserve to breath anymore. I have gone down in my own eyes. I am ashamed of myself.

Suddenly, he is standing in front of me. He clutches my neck and I don’t protest. I deserve it. This is my end. I feel his claws coming out and digging into my skin. I can feel the blood coming out.

“jin stop.” Luna protest for me. I close my eyes. I can’t take this anymore. Jin’s grip on my neck becomes tighter. I am choking. Leo is telling me to fight and let them know what actually happened but I am not going to do that. I am not telling them about my mate and what will I tell them? How will the conversation be? Look, I got distracted because I found my mate who belongs to the Night Walkers. No! I am not doing that. Besides, she is not my mate anymore. It will be the biggest shame to my pack.

“jin stop.” Luna commands, tears still flowing from her eyes. She looks at me and I commit this mistake of making eye contact with her. I see hurt in her eyes. What have you done taehyung? I can feel her eyes say that. Luna Eunae is close to me. She is like my big sister, seeing her hurt makes my heart twitch in pain. She was the most excited to meet my mate. She was even more excited to meet her than me. But what now? What will I tell her? That because of my mate her son got taken by the Night Walkers? That my mate will kill Minjoon? No.

Jin looses his grip on my neck and my lungs are trying their best to fill themselves with some air. I can already imagine a bruise forming on my neck. He glares at me, his eyes two black abysses. One look and I know it is his wolf. He is on surface and it’s dangerous. If looks could kill then I would be shaking hands with Hades now or wait! A replica of Hades is actually standing right in front of me. Jin is known for his war tactics and his ruthlessness with his enemies. Other Alphas try their best not to get on his wrong side because it’s really dangerous and I guess that I just landed on the wrong side. Perfect. He growls at me.

“We are calling war with the Night Walkers. Get ready.” He shouts and runs out of the pack house. All the warriors start heading towards the weapon house, discussing strategies. I stood there watching everybody move except Luna. she stays, watching me carefully. Her eyes are unreadable. She dismisses the she wolves. It’s me and her only. I feel more guilty. I want to die. She nears me slowly, tears streaming down her cheeks, replacing the dried ones now.

“I trusted you.” She says and my head shoots up which was hanging low till now to see a disgusted look on her face. I feel a heaviness in my chest.

“I trusted you with Minjoon.” She says and lefts. I stood there, tears threatening to escape my eyes. I feel a lump in my throat. Leo is howling in pain. It’s unbearable.

Why is this happening to me? Why me? I just asked for a mate. As simple as that. But things don’t come free of cost. I sure had to pay the price. The price of hurting my loved ones for a no one.

She is no one to me.



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