Chapter 11

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It’s chaos again. The warriors are getting ready for the war. We are in the pack house planning our attack on them. My insides are already storming with rage and guilt. I will set everything on fire that comes my way.

While I am instructing my group of warriors, I notice that everyone is trying to avoid me, especially Jin. This adds up to my rage. But I think he should be avoiding me, after all I couldn’t look after his son. I am responsible for the situation that we are dealing with right now.

It’s almost midnight which means we have to travel in the dark. As we got ready, the families came and bid their warriors goodbye... I don’t have anyone to say goodbye, not after what I have done. So I occupied a corner and watched everyone say good bye to their loved ones.

I see Luna Eunae crying in Alpha Jin’s arms. The sight makes my heart twitch in pain and I fight back the strong urge to let the tears slip from my eyes. Jin wants to be around Eunae all the time in her last stage of pregnancy. She will deliver any day and here I am creating messes like this and making their lives hell. Keeping Eunae away from him when she needs him the most. I look away. I have fucked up everything and everyone.

Suddenly, I see Jungkook, our Gamma (the third in command of the Alpha) enter the pack house in a rush. He looks around, his eyes stop when they land on Alpha jin. He makes his way to the Alpha. He looks troubled and not only me but many people in the pack house have notice this commotion and they are eagerly watching the scene unfold in front of them. When jungkook reaches the Alpha he greets and mutters something in his ears. I wonder what he said to him. Right now everyone is watching them. First Jin looks surprised but soon his face is decorated with anger. He looks like he will kill someone then and there. He lets out a loud growl which claims every body’s attention in the room.

“Bring her in.” Alpha jin growls. Jungkook nods at the Alpha and sprints out of the main door. I wonder who he was referring to. Everyone held their breath as their eyes were trained on the main door. For some moments, the door looked like the most interesting thing in the world. Some moments pass by and suddenly, that intoxicating scent hits my nose. She is around. Leo is excited all of a sudden. I completely block him. I don’t want to mess things up this time.

First jungkook enters and then my mate enters. Everyone has their eyes fixed on her. As jungkook moves to the side to make way for her, I notice that she is holding Minjoon in her arms. From the distance that sat between us, I see that Minjoon wasn’t moving and his head is resting on her shoulder. Is he dead? Did she actually kill him? If she killed Minjoon then I will kill her.

As she makes her way further into the room, jungkook guides her to the Alpha. My eyes are watching her every move. If she is alone then there’s no way she is walking out of this place alive. When she reaches the alpha couple she greets them formally. Jin is glaring at her and if looks could kill then she would be deep under. Luna Eunae’s face is decorated with surprise; she looks at her son in her arms and back to my mate. Seeing them together I can’t help but wonder what it would be like for them to work together? But I push these thoughts in the back of my head because right now they are inappropriate and I am going to reject her anyway.

“What have you done to my son?” Jin growls. He surely wants to kill her.

“He is sleeping.” She answers, her voice sending shivers down my spine. Then she gently transfers Minjoon to the Alphas arms. Minjoon mutters something in his sleep which signals that he is alive. This puts some relief in me. But I don’t understand why did she return Minjoon? And if she didn’t want to kill him then why did she take him in the first place? I can’t find a possible reason for it. Plus, she has this courage to enter an enemy’s pack house alone. Either she is mad or she doesn’t care about her life. Gosh she is so complex.

Alpha is still glaring at her. As soon as Minjoon is in Alpha’s arm, Luna Eunae takes Minjoon in her arms and starts to examine him for any possible injury but when she found none, she gave a confused look to my mate. She smiled in response. Why is she doing this?

Alpha is still glaring at her but she ignores him totally. Gosh she really has those nerves!

“See you later.” She says to Luna Eunae who is still gaping at her. She turns around and takes few steps away from the alpha couple when the Alpha lets out a loud growl. It could scare any one off but she didn’t even flinch. She turns around and grins at him. I can’t help but wonder if she is suicidal.

“Or never.” She says, turns around and starts walking again. Alpha jin looks at a nearby warrior who has a gun in his hands. He signals him to use it on her. Fuck NO!

But before I could do anything he points the gun at her and fires. I leap at him but I am too late. The bullet has already left the gun and in the next milliseconds, it hits her back. She stumbles and falls down. Soon there’s a pool of blood around her. This can’t be happening. I see red. I let out a loud growl.

She can’t be dead!


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