Chapter 28

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Last night I couldn’t sleep. It’s been one of those sleepless nights where you don’t want to sleep and neither does sleep wants you. I shuffled in my bed replaying last night’s events and Tae’s words. They have been constantly playing in my head.

Am I reading too much into this? I don’t know. Did I overreact last night? Maybe. Should I tell Tae everything? I don’t know. Should I accept Tae? I don’t know. Will Tae’s pack accept me? I don’t know but the chances are low. Should I mate with Tae? I don’t know.

Do I love Tae?


I don’t know. It must be because of the mate bond and that our wolves have accepted each other.

Do I want to mate with Tae?


‘Yes.’ Calliope interferes but I ignore her.

I don’t know. As these thoughts race in my mind Calliope sits in the corner and watches me with pity. It’s said that in situations like this we should trust our wolves more than us. It’s because our wolves know us better and they never steer us wrong. But for me it’s hard to do this again.

I know that Tae is not like him, he is better, far more better. But I am not good for him or his pack. He may accept me, heck he will do everything I say. I know that he will leave the pack if that’s what I ask for. Last night his conversation with the Fire Lady told me many things I wanted to know. Last night I could tell that he was ready to fight the Fire Lady for me and he eventually hurt his own grandmother for me. He hurt someone whom he knew for ages for me, whom he barely knows. He is really nice and me... I am, well, I kill. That’s it! I kill everything! I try to kill things I couldn’t deal with. Maybe I should kill myself.

I sniff as tears escape my eyes, wetting the pillow. If I give into the bond then I have to leave my pack but I am not ready to do that because I have many unfinished businesses there. I have to destroy the humanoids that they have been making. I have seen them testing the humanoids and they are halfway successful with them. Once they are made they will send them to destroy other packs, staring with Red Moon. But they didn’t see into it clearly to know that those humanoids are really dangerous. They could outsmart the creators and kill them instead.

I have been planning on to destroy those labs where the humanoids are being made with the help of my fellow assassins and Hoseok. I had everything planned perfectly and it was supposed to be executed this week but things went the other way and ... I ended up here. They must be thinking that I died here and hoseok must be really worried about me. I have been requesting Tae to let me go but he is really stubborn about me not stepping a foot out of this territory. I think I should talk to him clearly this time. Maybe he will let me go, maybe, if I promise him that I will return.

The sound of a door opening downstairs brings me back to present. I think it’s Tae. I will go and talk to him and request, heck I will beg him to let me go this time. I have to go or it will be too late.

I crawl out of the bed and head straight out of the room, ignoring two steps at a time while climbing down the stairs. I hear some noise coming from the kitchen so I go to the kitchen and find Jungkook sneaking in the fridge instead.

“Jungkook.” I say and he hits his head on the fridge. He rubs his head violently and turns around. When his eyes fall on me his mouth hangs open as if he has seen something worse than the Fire Lady.

“Yo-You look beautiful.” He says eyeing me but his expression tells me that I look anything but beautiful. I rush to living room where a large mirror is placed. When my eyes land on my reflection in the mirror I gasp. I look like madwomen, my eyes are red and my hair looks to be the perfect place for pests to raise their young ones in.

“I do look beautiful.” I say and jungkook starts laughing.

“Boy I bet you two had a really good time last night.” jungkook suggests while laughing and I shake my head at him. If he only he knows how good it was last night.

“So how is your ass?” I find myself asking this to jungkook trying to change the topic. I have to find taehyung and tell him everything. Jungkook stops laughing and starts glaring at me instead.

“I will see yo-” He growls.

“First see your ass.” I cut him.

“I will make you pay for-” He growls again.

“Okay I will pay for the medicine to heal your ass. Anything else you want?” I cut him again. He grinds his teeth in frustration. I am already having fun with him. He throws up his hands in the air and screams in frustration.

“You are getting-”

“On your ass?” I finish his sentence and he lets out a frustrated cry. I chuckle at his actions.

“So where is-”

“Taehyung?” He finishes for me this time.

“So you are not done with him yet? Last night was not enough I guess.” He suggests. I growl at him. Last night was the longest night for me.

“Just tell me where he is and your ass might be saved from a second round of beating.” I say rubbing my hands to show him that I am ready to hand over his ass to him even if I am not the fire Lady.

“He has gone out for some pack business.”

Guess I have to wait this time.

Thanks for reading and have an amazing day/night :)

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