Chapter 13

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As I enter the hospital, I feel more nervous than excited. I make my way to the room where they operated on her. As I near that door my heart beats become faster. By the time I reach the door, I feel like turning around and disappearing in the blue. I take a deep breath and put my hand on the door handle.

‘Let’s meet mate!’ Leo howls in excitement but I am nervous. I take another deep breath and get in.

I spot Luna Eunae sitting beside my mate. I can’t help but smile seeing the scene in front of me. Luna Eunae is really kind and generous and she leaves no occasion to show it.

As soon as I enter the room, they become aware of my presence. Luna greets me and offers me a smile which I return her. When I turn my attention to my mate, I find her sitting on the bed, her back supported by some pillows. As soon as our eyes lock, I feel a spark but she seems unfazed by me. She has a blank expression on her face.

I go and stand on the opposite side of the bed, parallel to the seated Luna.

“What is your name?” I ask, my eyes searching her face for any possible effect she might me having due to me.

“Yi sanae.” She answers holding my gaze.

“Sanae.” Even though I already know her name, I can’t help but feel delighted to know it again from her. I say her name out loud to see her reaction but she doesn’t even bat an eyelash. Not a single drop of emotion visible on her face. She is really complex. Then she turns her head towards Luna and says “Thank you.”

Luna Sanae shakes her head and point towards me and says “It was Taehyung who saved you. Thank him.” She turns her head back to me and says “Thank you.” I nod at her, observing her every move and behavior. Her face remains as blank as my chemistry answer paper when I used have chemistry tests in school.

“Sanae. Thanks for returning Minjoon. I can’t thank you enough for that.” Luna Eunae says claiming her attention back. She nods in response.

Alpha Jin chooses this moment to walk in the room, his eyes trained in Sanae like a prey. There’s this certain tension in air and everyone in the room seems to be holding their breaths imaging all the things that could happen next. He moves further into the room and stands beside the seated Luna, power and dominance radiating off from his body. Luna Eunae smiles at him in an attempt to break the tension.

“Jin, this is Sanae.” Luna introduces my mate to the Alpha. Jin nods in response.

“Thanks for returning my son Sanae.” Alpha Jin says to my mate, his voice chilling with coldness and his arms crossed on his chest. His body language clearly gives away his anger and ignorance towards my mate. I know that he is still mad on what happened and he has no plans to forget the incident soon .

“My pleasure.” Sanae says without loosing a breath. Either she is totally unaffected by Alpha’s presence or she is really good at hiding it. Either was I would say that this is suicidal.

“Sanae what is your rank in your pack?” The Alpha asks.

“I am a warrior and a part time assassin.” She answers with a straight face. Fuck! She is an assassin! She kills for living? When I thought things were improving, I was wrong. Things are getting more fucked up. I look at Jin to see his reaction but Jin seems unfazed. I wonder what is going on in his mind. He seems to be plotting a murder to kill the assassin sitting in front of him.

“So you were supposed to kill my son?” Jin asks looking calm but there’s venom dripping from his voice. Please say a fucking NO.

“Yes.” She answers straightaway.

“Then why didn’t you kill him?” Jin asks. This question have been buzzing in my mind since ever and not only me but everyone have been wondering the same. Why didn’t she kill Minjoon? I mean we can’t be more grateful to her for not killing Minjoon and returning him but still!

“I don’t kill children.” She answers.

“So you are telling me if Minjoon were not a kid then you would have killed him?” Jin asks, his voice slightly raising. Luna Eunae touches the Alpha’s arm to calm him down. Things are getting more fucked up.

She shrugs and says “Yes.” A growl escapes jin and I unknowingly move closer to my mate, preparing myself to save her from any possible attack from the Alpha. Luna Eunae clutches his arms.

“Jin let’s go now. Let them talk.” Luna Eunae says tugging the Alpha’s arm as she leaves her seat and moves towards the door. Jin glares at her and leaves with the Luna hot on his tail. Sanae seems totally unaffected by the Alpha’s behaviour. She is really suicidal.

When I realise that we are alone in a room, I turn to look at her.

“Are you okay?” I ask her.

“As healthy as a horse.” She says tugging the IV tube out from her hand.

“What are you doing?” I ask. She avoids my question and shifts in her bed, her back facing me to climb down. She swings her legs off the bed and makes an attempt to stand up. I rush to her side and push her back on the bed in the sitting position.

“What are you doing?” I repeat.

“Escaping.” She says and makes one more attempt to get up only to be pushed back by me again. Suddenly, I notice that we are very close. She realizes this fact at the same time.

Her eyes soften as they trace my facial features. They stop right on my lips and I fight back this strong urge to lean in and capture her lips with mine. I remember the sparks that shot up when our skin made contact when I carried her to the hospital in my arms. Gosh I want to take her in my arms, I want to hold her, touch her, do everything and anything with her. Leo is fighting inside to take control but being the hell I am, I won’t let him surface. I want it to be me in this moment. Imaging her with someone else, even with Leo makes tall waves of rage crashing my insides. Even though Leo is just a part of me, I want it to be me. Only me. Her wolf is all his but she is all mine and there’s nothing that can change this.

“Mine.” I utter that word finally. The word that I have been holding on for soo long. Even though I haven’t marked her but she is mine. This is the first step of the claim. From now on she belongs to me. Mine.

The pull becomes stronger and soon I find myself leaning in, closing the distance between us. Her eyes suddenly moves away from my lips and settle on my own. They are cold now. She opens her mouth and the words that roles out next replaces those waves of rage with disappointment.

“Reject me.”


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