Chapter 39

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“Why is she acting like that?” I growl. Leo is growing tense every moment, every time when she throws up more blood. He is trying to reach out for her wolf but he can’t feel her which is making things worse for him. He is clawing at me to let him out but I want to be with her. I tighten my grip around her, afraid that she will disappear like smoke, afraid that she will leave me. I feel her dig her nails into my skin as she twitch in pain.

I can’t see her like this. If there’s anything or anyway by which I can trade the pain from her then I will do it. Seeing her in pain is giving me more pain. Right now, I feel like going back to that asshole and make him feel the same pain that she is feeling. I have already burned him alive which I shouldn’t have done. I should have given him the same poison and seen him in the state she is right now. It would have been more satisfying to watch him suffer. He must have turned to mere ashes right now.

Her whole body heats up as if she is in heat and she twitches more in pain. This is becoming really disturbing for me to watch. I can feel Leo on the surface and he is at war with me to let him out. Her wolf is not answering his calls which are making him crazy. I feel a constant tightening in my chest as if the air is being sucked out from me. As if there’s not enough air for me. I feel like everything is being taken away from me as if she is being taken away from me. When I thought when I have finally got my mate, there’s always something that is trying to take her away from me. Every time when I think that we have got closer, something happens and the distance between us increases even more. There’s always something to take her away from me but this time I won’t let this poison take her away from me.

“It’s sucking the poison from her blood. Soon she will vomit the contaminated blood. She will be alright.” Minji explains with uncertainty on her face. I will make sure to give her hell if her antidote doesn’t work on Sanae.

I will burn everyone. I will burn everything if anything happens to Sanae. I will raise hell if Sanae dies. I will bring her back from hell or heaven wherever she goes. I will have her. I will never let her leave me. Ever.

I see Sanae twitch more in pain; her eyes squeezed shut due to the excessive pain. I snake my arms around her and try to comfort her by letting Leo share some energy with her wolf, which is quite not possible right now as her wolf is not responding to him in any way. She starts sweating; making the dress she had been wearing drench with sweat. Right now she is covered with blood and sweat. Eunae sobs harder seeing Sanae like this.

Suddenly, Sanae stops twitching and goes still for a moment. I think I have lost her. I tighten my arms around her more, hoping that it will not let her leave me. Suddenly, she throws up more blood which leaves me wondering how much more blood is exactly left in her body.

“There she goes.” Minji says and I growl at her. I feel Sanae move in my arms and relief washes over me. I think she is through it. She has made it. The poison is gone.

“Mine.” I hear someone growl from the doorway and my head snaps in the direction of the door to find a shirtless Jungkook standing there with his eyes fixed on Minji. I look back at Minji whose eyes are also fixed on Jungkook and her face decorated with surprise.

Jungkook starts walking towards her, his eyes never leaving hers. Suddenly, Jungkook’s odd behavior at the party starts making sense to me. His wolf must have been troubling him because he was about to meet his mate soon and here she is. The wolves can sense when they will meet their mate and they can feel their presence when they are around. It happened to me too. Leo went restless for a day too before I met Sanae. I can’t help but feel happy for him.

Seeing the expression on his face, I can tell that he is already into her and his wolf must be begging him to let him mark her. Jungkook has been the youngest amongst us and he has been treated like a baby forever. Seeing him find his mate makes me feel like a parent seeing their child grow up. It’s both emotional and exciting.

It would have been a happy moment but the situation is different right now.

“Please leave us alone now.” I say out loud and everyone instantly leaves the room. I see Minji rush out of the room with Jungkook hot on her tail. I throw Hoseok a glare as he takes a last look at Sanae in my arms before exiting the room. I already hate him and have plans to torture him but I have to know who he is to Sanae first. I look down at Sanae who has her eyes closed and a smirk on her lips.

“Sanae?” I call out for her but she does not answer. Instead, she moves in my arms trying to get comfortable. I sigh in relief. She must be feeling really weak due to the loss of excessive blood from her body. She has been through a lot and I pray that she has never she never has to face something like this again.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice day/night💜:)

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