Chapter 24

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She kept walking and I kept following her. Soon we reached the cliff, the highest point in our territory. The sight is beautiful. It gives the view of the whole horizon. The sun is slowly rising, the morning breeze welcoming it. She sits there and lowers her head to the ground. Leo goes to her and lies on top of her, caging her body with his. She does not protest this time as he buries his snout in her neck. He balances his weight on top of her. Her wolf fitting perfectly with mine. She closes her eyes and her ears drop, it’s a sign that she is feeling relaxed by my wolf’s actions. It’s like they are cuddling. They stay like this for a long time. The sun slowly comes above the horizon but Leo’s snout doesn’t move anywhere from the white wolf’s neck. She keeps still under him, except the occasional shivers that run through her body.

Suddenly, she moves beneath Leo. Leo moves away and she stands up. She turns around and starts walking the way we came from. She walked in silence, not acknowledging Leo’s presence and he is willing to do everything to have her attention. He goes for her tail again but this time she turns around and snaps her jaws at Leo. But Leo keeps trying to get her tail. She gives Leo a deadly growl and Leo howls in joy. Heck, he is really whipped and he will do anything to have her attention. We reach home like this, Leo trying to tug her tail and she showing off her canines to Leo, promising a missing chunk of flesh from his body if he goes anywhere near her tail.

She goes in through the door in her wolf form and I follow her inside. As soon as she is inside, she sprints and climbs the stairs in the blink of an eye. I shift to my human form and I hear a door slamming upstairs with so much force that it makes the whole house shake.

She is definitely mad.

I go to my room, take a shower and change. Then I come down in the kitchen and prepare the breakfast. When I am done making breakfast, I go to Sanae’s room. I knock twice and get in. I find her on her bed, reading a book.

“Sanae, the breakfast is ready.” She ignores me and keeps reading her book, turning a page. She looks more interested in the book, her attention solely on the book. I feel the heat of jealousy swell in my chest. Gosh, so now I have to compete with a book to get her attention? I feel the heat in my chest spread to the nerves all over my body. Seconds later the book has caught fire. At first she seemed oblivious to the fire but as soon as it burned a hole through her book, destroying the page she had been reading, she gasps and throws the book on the floor. She gapes at the book and then looks at me. Her eyes turn the size of saucers when she notices my hands. I notice her confusing and look down at my hands, which oozing with flames.

“I am a hybrid.” I mention for the first time and her lips form an O. She nods and then looks at the book on the floor which has now reduced to ashes.

“Stop burning my books!” She exclaims. I chuckle but receive a pillow on my face. I chuckle harder.

“Sanae let’s eat, we can play later.” I say and leave the room before hearing her growl. I chuckle as I climb down the stairs. When I reach kitchen, I set the table for our breakfast and soon she comes down. She takes a seat silently and looks over the food I cooked curiously.

“Do you know cooking?” I ask, taking my seat opposite to her. If she can cook then we can have extra fun in kitchen... well we can have extra fun either way.

“Yes.” She answers as she pours a glass of juice from the jug.

“How many dishes can you cook?” I ask her taking a bite of the beacon. She does not look up as if avoiding my eyes. She takes a bite of her pancake and starts chewing, leaving my question hanging. After she swallows, she answers “Many dishes.”

“Like what?” I try to ask, this could give me some hints of her favorite dishes and I can cook those for her.

“Gunk Azohomora, Ataxia, Tronine, Scutain, Frufin, Clocezol-”

“Wait what are those? I haven’t heard of them before.”

“Of course you haven’t.” She says and takes a sip of juice from her glass.

“What type of dishes are they?” I ask, my curiosity reaching the moon.

“Poison dishes.” Curiosity kills the cat and I choke on my food. She smirks and I feel my eyes change color. Her smirk falls off her face soon when she notices my eyes change color. Suddenly, the doorbell rings and I freeze halfway from brining the glass of water to my mouth. No one rings the doorbell of my house. Last time my doorbell rang, Minjoon went missing and ... okay and you know what happened. Basically trouble comes to my doorstep signaling it’s presence by ringing the doorbell. Sanae notices my reaction and eyes me.

“What?” She asks.

“Don’t open the door.” I say. She looks at the door with curiosity.

“Why not?” She asks and I can see the wheels spinning in her head.

“No one rings the doorbell. If it rings then it means trouble.” I try to explain her in short but her eyes lit up even more with curiosity. I know that she won’t take her next breath without opening the door.

“Let’s see what trouble we have for today.” She gets up and strolls towards the door. I sit there wondering who might be on the other side of the door and whether I should let Sanae open the door or not.

She reaches the door and opens it. From where I am sitting I can see the old woman on the door step. That woman is looking at my mate and she has sly smile decorating her face.

Guess I am too late to tell her again to not to open the door.


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