Chapter 37

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“tae, take me to your house.” I say again but he keeps ignoring my words and keeps walking towards the hospital. hoseok has gone to get minji as I told him to. minji has been great friends with me but she is not an assassin. She is a warrior. While I am an expert in preparing poisons, she is an expert in preparing antidotes for them no matter how deadly they are. I am sure she will be able to prepare an antidote for my deadly Alqueza.

“Tae, take me to your house.” I say this time my voice commanding. He looks down at me and I see the anger in his eyes. I feel a shiver run down seeing the intensity of heat radiation off his eyes. Why am I feeling this? I have never felt anything like this before. This feeling is foreign to me and it confuses me. I would have turned to Calliope to know what is wrong but the thing she is missing.

“I am taking you to the hospital.” He growls.

“I want you to take me to your house.” I growl back and suddenly, a new wave of pain hits me and I end up coughing more blood, this time making his bare chest bloody.

“I am not.” He says his voice deep and menacing. The heat in his eyes increasing and his arms become tighter around me. I feel waves of sparks and electricity wash all of my body, oddly bringing comfort and...pleasure?

“Yes, you are.” I say shortly feeling a burning in my throat. He growls at me and his eyes darken.

“Stop being stubborn, Sanae. You are hurt and hurt people go to the hospital. You need to see a doctor.” He says maintaining the tone of his voice.

“But doctors cannot cure all the hurt, Tae. Trust me. I know what I am doing.” I say softly, placing my hand on his chest and staring into his eyes. His eyes soften and I see uncertainty replace the anger on his face. That’s when I knew that I have convinced him. He lightly nods and changes his route.

When we reach his house, he takes me upstairs and in his room. Slowly, I start feeling dizzy or shall I say more like tipsy. He sits on the bed but keeps me in his arms all the time.

“Tae lay me down.” I say, placing my hand on his arm and trying to lift it off.

“No, I am not.” He says, the tightening his arms around me which almost makes me choke out more blood.

“I am alright.” I say and cough out more blood.

“No, you are not! Sanae, you are dying.” He says, his voice breaking and I feel an ache in my heart, not from the poison but due to hearing the tone of his voice. Sure I am dying but I am least worried about it. According to me I have lived enough and killed enough. If the moon goddess has decided that this is the moment to take me away then I won’t hesitate. Suddenly, I feel this urge to laugh even though it’s not the situation.

“What is so funny?” He hisses and I can’t stop laughing, coughing more blood out.

“I don’t know.”

“Stop laughing, Sanae. You are making it worse.” He says but my laughing gets worse. Suddenly, he captures my lips with his and I stop laughing. First, I did not respond but it was too much tempting so I started moving my lips along with his. All I taste is my blood as I suck his upper lip. He moans and attacks my lower lip. I move my hand from his arm and bring it to his jaw. My hand traced his jaw and goes up to run it through his hair.

This kiss different from the other kisses that we shared. It is slow and passionate not rough like last time and I am...enjoying it? I tilt my head back, granting him more access to my mouth. His tongue enters my mouth and when it collides with mine, I feel pleasure wrap my body. Even though my mouth is covered with blood, the kiss seems heavenly. Soon, when I feel a wave of pain hit me, I break away from the kiss and cough up more blood.

“Well, that was bloody.” I say and start laughing again. I see his mouth is covered with blood as well right now, which makes me laugh even harder.

“Sanae.” He breaths and I stop laughing.

“Please don’t leave me.” He says stroking my cheek, his eyes soft and caring which melts my heart. I feel that tug in my chest again.

“What? Don’t you want to make babies?” I didn’t realize what I was speaking until those words roll out of my mouth. He looks surprised but soon he smirks. I feel my cheeks heat up. I just embarrassed myself.

“Sure. Why not?” He says his voice husky and seducing. I mentally face palm myself and start laughing as an attempt to get out of this embarrassing situation. This time tae laughs too but I see tears in his eyes. I feel the tug in my chest again and stop laughing. I look at his tears as they escape his eyes and run down his face.

I feel my eyes sting with tears too because it’s the first time I have seen someone crying because of me. I see the desperation in his eyes to have me; he doesn’t want me to leave. I hear his words from last night ring in my ears –‘I love her’.


He loves me and I know he does not want me to leave...I don’t want him to leave. I want to stay with him and tell him that-

Wait! I have to tell him everything!

“tae, I need to leave.” I say out loud and regret it as soon as they leave my mouth. I see the hurt in his eyes. I have hurt him.

“No.” He growls.

“I have to but-”

“SANAE!” I hear a familiar voice call my name from across the room. I see Tae’s eyes going cold and his expression becoming grim.

“Who are you?” He asks, his voice threatening.

“I am Minji.”

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night:)

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