Chapter 42

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Both of them woke up with a start. Their necks throbbing with the pain of marking but it was bearable knowing that their souls are connected now. The fire was gone leaving behind black walls and burned furniture. The bed they were sleeping on was partially burned, everything in the room seemed to have been affected by the fire in one way or another but those two were unaffected. Tangled in each other’s arms, the heat from their body escaping into each other. For a moment they stared at each other, both unable to believe what happened some time ago.

“Your room is burned.” Sanae said, attempting to break the silence in between them which seemed disturbingly loud to her. She had been holding her words back; she had many things to tell his mate. She tried to tell him before but couldn’t. Now she was determined to tell him everything, she felt guilty about not telling all the things to him.

“I noticed.” Tae said, his eyes never leaving the she-wolf in his arms. She was where he always wanted her- in his arms. Suddenly, the angry droplets of rain crashing on their window bought their attention to the world outside their room. It was night and it was raining heavily outside as if the gods were trying to put their fire to the end.

“Where’re the others?” she asked which bought his attention back to the she-wolf he adored and admired the most.

“Others?” He asked.

“The warriors of my pack and Hoseok.” She clarified his confusion and a scowl covered his face at the mention of the spy once he was determined to kill.

“They’ve been locked up.” He answered straightway, not hiding his distaste about the people she was talking about. He knew that they did a great harm and destruction to his pack previously and he was pleased enough to know that they were being treated accordingly. A scowl covered her face when she heard his words. She didn’t care about the warriors but hoseok was her best friend, her partner in crime, the one who stood by her in every situation. She truly cared about him and she couldn’t be grateful enough to him because it was due to him that she got to meet her second chance his second mate.

“Why?” She asked. She was really concerned about him. Taehyung didn’t like the level of concern his mate was showing for another male and Sanae could already feel the heat of jealousy in him through their bond. She gently stroked his cheek, giving the attention she knew he wanted and it sort of made that heat of jealously cool down a bit.

“Because they deserve it.”

“No, they don’t.” Sanae argued back not hiding the fact that she wasn’t pleased with the way her pack members were treated in his pack. She knew that he and his whole pack hated hers because they did a lot of harm to his pack but still, they were her people.

“Why not?” She could feel the tone of his voice rising which was calm and husky previously.

“Because it’s not their fault. They were simply following orders and he-”

“What about him? Who is he?” Taehyung asked not letting his mate complete her sentence. He hated the male named hoseok already and Sanae wasn’t fool enough to not to see it. She was trying her best to not anger him.

“He came here for me. He is my best friend.” She explained which made Taehyung raise an eyebrow at her. He was definitely jealous of that male being close to his mate even before him. Right now all he wanted to do was to go to the pack prison and remove his head from his body but then he thought that Sanae wouldn’t like it.

“I don’t like him.” Taehyung voiced his dislike for that male.

“I noticed.” She said.

“You should be grateful to him.” She added which made Taehyung’s eyebrows touch his hairline. The last thing he wanted to be was grateful to Hoseok. According to him, Hoseok should be grateful to him because he didn’t kill him right away when he got his hands on him.


“Because of him, we are here.” Sanae said.


“When you caught him, I came to get him out of here and ...ended up meeting you.” She explained to Taehyung who was now pulling her even closer to his body enjoying the tingly sensation that he felt whenever their skin made contact. Sanae felt the same tingles throughout her body and didn’t oppose his actions because both she and her wolf were enjoying it.

“Whatever.” He said shrugging. He was least interested in the story because what he wanted was just her before him, in his arms.

“And I...I ... I have something important to tell you.” She said continuing stroking his cheek, afraid that he might throw a tantrum or end up burning the whole house after hearing her next words.

“What?” Taehyung asked. He could sense the uneasiness and hesitation building up in his mate through the bond. He remembered that she wanted to talk to him at the party.

“Tae, I ... I... you....I ... I don’t know where to start.” Sanae said.

“Start from the beginning.” Taehyung said softly.

“Tae, you are my second chance.” Sanae stopped stroking his cheek as she said this. Her eyes fixed on his face not wanting to miss his reaction on this piece of information that he had a right to know. Taehyung was confused and he couldn’t quite put his finger on the topic his mate was talking about.

“What do you mean?” Taehyung voiced his confusion which Sanae had previously noticed decorating his face.

“I” She stuttered which was a tell-tale sign that she was nervous. She stopped and took a deep breath. Her next words will determine many things and she didn’t know how he will react to the things that she was going to tell him next. Taehyung watched the she-wolf patiently but it was eating him up to see her act like that. He hasn’t seen her act this strange before, he hasn’t heard her stutter before. She was always confident. This must be really serious, he thought.

“Tae, you are my second mate.” Sanae let those words out of her mouth carefully, her eyes fixed on his face. Her words hit him like a wrecking ball. He stared at the she-wolf in his arms in shock. This was something he hasn’t thought or imagined in his wildest dream. He felt something tug at his heart, he felt hurt.


“I was rejected by my first mate.” Sanae explained in other words. She saw and felt rage built up in Taehyung. She felt guilty keeping this information from him this long. She should have told him before, she thought.

“Who was he?” He asked his tone animalistic. He was feeling hurt that she didn’t tell him before and also thinking about the amount of pain she had to go through. The pain of rejection is very strong, so strong that sometimes it claims the life of the rejected one.


Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful day :)💜

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