Chapter 30

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I waited and waited till the afternoon but Taehyung did not return. In the afternoon,Jungkook and I went to the Alpha’s house. I met Eunae there who has been trying her best to deal with the crying jihee all day and Minjoon trying the same but both being unsuccessful. Somehow the maids managed to put little jihee into slumber and we had lunch together. Jin came to have lunch with us too, his expression grim when his eyes landed on me.

He hasn’t accepted me yet and he has his reasons for doing so. First and foremost, I belong to the enemy pack, second, I did attack his pack and killed someone of his men which shows that I am still a possible threat to him and his pack, third, I am an assassin and he is not able to trust me for this. He will always think of me as a threat to his pack and I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks that I am gathering information about his pack and somehow managing to pass it to mine under his nose. I know that he doubts me and not only him but the whole pack doubts me and well, I don’t blame them. I would have my doubts too if I was giving shelter to one of my enemy.

Only Eunae has warmed up to me besides Taehyung. She is nice and I can’t think of any possible way to hurt her and I never will. She has shown me the kindness like no one before in my life. From the first day onwards she treated me like someone from her own pack and she never made me feel like I am on a foreign land. At times she guided me like a motherly figure and gave the companionship of a good friend. She showed me the kind of affection I had never imagined.

Coming to Jungkook, his personality resembles Hoseok, except that hoseok is little bolder than him. I never had any problem talking to jungkook and I think that’s what I like about him. He is like a small brother to me.

jin seems a nice Alpha to me even though he hates me. His hate towards me is legit and it only points to the fact that he takes his Alpha duty quite seriously unlike the Alpha back in our pack. His pack is in a much better condition than mine. In my pack half the people die of famine, the crime rates are high and there’s no proper order or functioning of the pack. Most of the pack fund is dedicated towards buying and creating weapons, experimenting with half breeds and creating new breeds. These are illegal in both human and werewolf world. Even though the Night Walkers think that they are getting stronger by spending more on weapons and expeditions, but what they don’t realize that their pack is getting hollow from inside. Just a decade more and nothing will be left, they succumb to nothing. They don’t realize that they will have to pay a heavy price for whatever they are doing.

“Where is Taehyung?” Eunae asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“He has gone to the council. He will be late he said.” Jin answers, his eyes fixed on me. I nod lightly.

“Minjoon, stop playing with your food!” Eunae exclaims. I look at the smol bean and find him throwing a dirty look at the capsicum in his plate. His expression told that he could go to the ends of this earth to avoid that capsicum.

“Mom, I don’t want to eat capsic-”

“Shut up and eat.” Eunae grows hyper, her expression giving away that she is done with her kids for the day. I can’t imagine all the things she had gone through in the past day. It’s surprising that she has managed to keep sane with an always crying new born by her side.


“Minjoon  dear please eat.” Jin tries to persuade his son sensing his Mate’s elevation of anger. Jungkook chuckles beside me but covers it with a cough soon. jin throws daggers at him but he acts to be oblivious to them.

“appa, where is great grandma?” minjoon asks and I see terror surface Jin’s eyes. jungkook chokes on his food. I cover my smile by pretending to wipe my mouth with the napkin and I see Eunae do the same.

“Uh...Sh...She is, You will see her in the evening.” jin says and I am not surprised that the mention of the Fire Lady made a strong Alpha like him look scared. That Lady really has some impact but thinking about yesterday’s event makes my heart ache. She is really nice and all but yesterday when she asked if I am planning on to kill Taehyung, I lost it. I will never do that, yes I have thought of killing taehyung multiple times in the beginning when he got me stuck here but I will never be able to put a scratch on taehyung. I know that I have hurt him a lot emotionally but I could never bring myself to kill him.

“Tonight, I will show Jihee to the pack.” jin declares without stuttering this time.

“I think that we should wait for one more day. She is crying the whole time.” eunae says with an unpleasant expression and jin presses his lips in a thin line and looks down to his plate, thinking over his mate’s words.

“The Fire Lady will be gone tomorrow and I insist that we do this ceremony of introducing jihee in her presence.” jin reasons. eunae doesn’t look pleased with the idea but nods in approval.

“Plus, the pack will also like to see their future beta female.” jin adds, his eyes fixed on me and his facial expression grim. I feel a shiver run down my spine and be it for the first time, I miss Taehyung. I need him. I want him.

Taehyung please come home soon.

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night:)

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