Chapter 35

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“Good evening everyone.” Jin greets and everyone fall silent. Everybody’s eyes are trained on us or more precisely on me. Suddenly I feel very self conscious. Standing in front of so many people, feeling soo many eyes on me at the same time. It’s overwhelming. I am not used to seeing and as an assassin the less you show yourself to people the better it is. Their glares are burning holes in my body.

My mouth goes dry and I feel my heart palpitate. My stomach churns. I take multiple deep breaths and look around pretending that I am not affected by all the looks that they were giving me. The more I am trying to calm myself, the worse it is getting. Calliope is pacing in my head which is also not helping me at all.

“As you all know that we have gathered over here to welcome the new pack members.” jin says. The place is pin-drop silent and everyone seems to be holding their breath. I realize that I am squeezing  Tae’s hand way too much and surprisingly he seems unaffected by it.

“First, I, Jin Moon, the Alpha of Red Moon Pack, welcome my daughter jihee Moon in this pack and in our family.” jin says as he raises the newborn in front of him. Everyone started clapping and cheering seeing the newborn in their Alpha’s hand. jihee is surprisingly not crying. She is looking at everyone with her curious eyes. I internally sigh because for this moment I don’t feel the eyes on me. Everyone is in awe seeing the newborn that for a moment they have forgotten to glare at me.

I see jin and Eunae smile as they see their pack members cheer for the newborn, some jumping to have a better look at the newborn. Soon Jin lowers the newborn and hands her over to Eunae. Slowly the cheering and the applause dies, the room is engulfed by a deadly silence.

“And now.” I feel all the eyes on me again. I can feel my heart throbbing in my chest. This is it. I just have to show them that I can be good no matter how dark my past was. I can always be better. I take multiple deep breaths and loosen my grip on Tae’s hand.

“I may introduce you to My Beta’s Mate-”

“SANAE!” I hear someone scream my name and I don’t know why but the voice sounds too much familiar to me. Everyone in the room seemed to have noticed it at the same time and they were all looking around to find the bearer of the voice. I look around too and my eyes fall on the familiar figure at the entrance of the room. A tall familiar figure. He has brown eyes and brown hair. Right now he is staring at me with concern and uncertainty in his eyes. Seeing him alive, relief washes over me. I feel happy all of a sudden forgetting all the eyes on me. All I want to do is go rushing to him.

“YOU!” I hear Tae speak beside me, his eyes settled over the same figure.

“SANAE!” He calls out again and suddenly, the wall on either side of the room collapses revealing warriors from my previous pack. This happened all of a sudden, almost in a blink of an eye. People started running around and some ended up coming under the collapsed wall, unfortunately. I hear a loud growl just beside me, it felt like thundering and it didn’t take me long to realize that it belonged to Jin.

“HOSEOK!” I call out unable to hold my excitement to see him. At the moment I am so happy to see him alive, safe and sound that forget that the whole place is in chaos. He proceeds to come near us and I hear a growl just beside me. Suddenly, I am pushed back and Tae is standing in front of me.

“Tae!” I look around and see the warriors from my pack surrounding the pack people who were trying to run away from the place. It instantly flashed in my mind what is going to happen next. They will kill them here. Since almost the whole pack is here it will be easy for them to kill them and add to the fact that they are all unprotected and unarmed. That’s one of the techniques that we used to apply when we had to kill a large number of people. I let out a loud growl when I eyes fall on one more familiar person.


I feel all the nerves in my body burning with rage and feel the killer part of my wolf coming to surface. I hear Tae growl once more, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“Sanae.” I hear Hoseok  growl this time and I push Tae aside who is taken off guard by my sudden actions. I feel my eyes sting with tears when I see hoseok.

“Hoseok, are you all right?” I ask him, my voice shaking badly. I see water in his eyes too as he nods. The place surrounding us in chaos, people are trying to run while the warriors are attacking them. I see Jin is already fighting three warriors at the same time  who are trying to get up on the stage and go near his mate and kids. I take a look at the warriors and know instantly that they are trained by me and belong to my squadron. They will hear my command.

“STOP!” I scream at the top of my lungs letting the killer and trained part of my wolf to take over. As I thought, everyone stopped and look at me. The room goes silent again only the crying of the newborn can be heard. It sends chills down my spine thinking about my men harming this pack. Jin glares at me, his canines and claws decorated with blood already and the warriors lying near his feet, all dead.

“Ah, Sanae there you are, look! We came to get you back!” Jun says stepping over the dead bodies and making his way towards the stage where we are standing right now. He has a sly smile on his face, the same smile which means trouble, the same one which appeared on his face when I used to get tortured back in my pack. It makes my blood boil and Calliope is already imagining the taste of his blood. He has caused enough problems for me, he has dominated me, hurt me and all those nasty things that make my nightmares nothing compared to them.

I have let him do that in the past but not anymore. I am not going to let him hurt me or anyone again. I am not going to let him take advantage of me again and mess with my life again.

“You are making a big mistake.” I growl at him.

“If you value your life then leave right now.” I growl again felling my eyes change color and my canines and claws coming out.

“Hah, not until I have killed the Alpha and his kids. It will be smooth if you help me.” He says winking. Tae lets out a loud growl and leaps on Hoseok with his canines coming out as he snaps his jaws at him.

“TAEHYUNG STOP!” I feel rage coursing through my veins like blood. It’s getting hard for me to keep control. If I lose my control then I might end up killing everyone in this room no matter who it is and I know that Jun is not aware of this fact. Taehyung doesn’t hear my command and continues snapping his jaws at Hoseok who is trying to wiggle out of his hold. Just when I see Taehyung’s canine cutting into hoseok’s throat, I knew I lost it.

I lost control.

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night:)


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