Chapter 10

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The more I looked at the toddler the more I wondered how I am gonna kill him. I know a hundred ways to kill a person but I don’t know what I should do with this kid. As I near the boundary I feel a heaviness around me. My stomach churns and suddenly, I am nervous. Calliope starts pacing in my head. What’s happening? Is something wrong?

‘Calliope?’ I ask but she ignores me and continues pacing. ‘Bitch.’ I internally scowl at her. She is making me miserable. I am at the boundary, conducting surveillance to avoid border petrol when Jun mind links me.

‘Sanae, I need backup.’

‘Okay.’ I command my warriors to break in. Things are going to get bloody now. As soon as I hear my warriors and smell the rusty smell of blood, I decided to change my course. Little Minjoon does not have to see what’s happening.

I hear wolves howl in distance. Shit. I have to get out of here soon.

‘Jun did you find hoseok?’ I ask through the mind link.

‘Yup but guess what? They have their elite warriors guarding the prison. We are fighting them now. Send the back up. Quick.’

‘They are on their way.’ I look down at Minjoon to check on him. He seems to be really comfortable with me. Poor boy, he does not have any idea what’s going to happen. He is just looking around the forest as if we are on walk. I lightly shake my head. I can’t kill him. I have to take him away and hide him somewhere. I will return him when it’s safe. My warriors haven’t seen him with me and they will never know that I had him. I will never let Jun know. I will simply tell them that I couldn’t find him. It will be hard for them to believe but whatever it is I don’t feel like killing the kid.

‘Sanae, they are out with their warriors and blocking our way to the prison. I see their Beta. What should we do?’ One of my warriors asks. Shit. This is not what I expected. Fuck Jun. If he wouldn’t have changed the plan in the last minute, we would have been out with hoseok now. If anything goes wrong then I will blame everything on him.

‘Hold on. I am coming. Do not attack.’ I command. I know they have outnumbered us and if my warriors attack them there won’t be much left to send as backup to the prison. I have to get to them fast but I have Minjoon with me. I can’t leave him anywhere. If Jun gets his hands on Minjoon then he will make sure that the kid goes to his grave early. I don’t want that happening. I have to keep him safe. I don’t care if this is kid will grow up and continue to fight with us in the future. We will deal with it when it happens but terminating him now won’t be good. At least I think that.

I huff visibly and take a u turn to get to my warriors.

“Where are we going now?” He asks. I look down at him and can’t help but feel guilty. I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if I really killed him? Am I taking the right decision? Should I really kill this kid? Will it do me any good? I don’t know but my instincts are telling me to not to kill him and right now I don’t have any other option than to act on my instincts.

Finally, I reach the clearing where my warriors are waiting. I am surprised to find that the Red Moon pack warriors haven’t attacked mine. I don’t know why but Calliope becomes restless all of a sudden. When my warriors notice me they start to part and make a way for me to go to the front. As I near the front, my heart starts to beat even faster. I am surprised that it hasn’t managed to escape my ribs. I take deep breaths and look down at Minjoon. I smile at him and he giggles back. He is enjoying this more than he really should.

As the last warrior moves to the side and I step in the front, this amazing scent hits my nose. It’s intoxicating. I wonder who the bearer of the scent is. Finally I look up and my eyes fall on him



So the Beta of Blood Moon pack happens to be my mate. Why is the moon goddess making my life so complicated? I don’t want a mate. Not when I am still dealing with the rejection of my first time mate. It was painful. This is the second time and there’s no way I am going to feeling that pain again. If I get rejected this time then I will die and I can’t help but dwell on the surety that I will be rejected this time too. I can’t take this. I feel that familiar ache in my chest from the last time. Calliope howls in sadness unlike the last time when she was excited. Even though I have recovered a bit, she hasn’t yet. She is wondering the same thing as me – ’Will he reject us too?′

No. I won’t let this happen again. After this I will go back to my pack and make sure that I never have to come to Red Moon again. Seems simple. I don’t need a mate. My wounds from last time are still healing and I don’t want to dig them up again.

As I look at him, I study his features. He is tall, really tall. He must be six foot four or somewhere near that. He has midnight black hair and brown eyes. I must admit that he looks better than my previous mate. A lot. And a lot sexier. There’s this tension and heaviness in the air and I find it very hard to breath. All I want to do now is run in the opposite direction and never look back.

“Minjoon.” He breaths. The toddler in my arms looks at my mate but doesn’t make an attempt to leave my arms. He smiles in response.

“taehyung.” Minjoon calls back. His eyes are on me all the time. I can’t help but wonder how it would have been if we met in different situation. I notice the fact that several moments has passed and he haven’t said that four letter word.


‘He is definitely going to reject us.’ Calliope says. I block her for now. I am here for business. I will get things done and go home and never trace the path to Blood Moon pack. Ever.

“Minjoon come to me.” He demands and I instinctively make my hold tighter on Minjoon. His deep voice sends shivers down my spine. Fuck the mate pull.

“Minjoon come to me.” He repeats but the toddler doesn’t move an inch from my arms. I can’t help but smirk. His eyes travel to my lips and I see lust in them but they trace their path back to my eyes. After some moments of silence, I decide to speak.

“You have one of my men. I want him back.” I speak keeping my voice still and clear, the same way I command my men. I drain my face of all the emotion and give him a cold stare. I don’t want to be affected by him.

“He is not going back.” He declares and crosses his arms on his chest. His muscles bulging out of the shirt. Calliope purrs at the sight. ‘Hot.’ She mutters. I internally roll my eyes at her but I totally agree with her. I smirk and look down at Minjoon. It’s time to play.

“He is cute.” I say and look up. His eyes are still fixed on me.

‘I am going to create a diversion. Take the warriors to the prison.’ I mind link one of my warriors.

‘Okay.’ He responds back.

“I am taking Minjoon then.” I say with a smirk. I feel like setting his ass on fire. Even though I will be returning him later but right now I feel like playing and giving him a hard time. He lets out an angry growl. My heart skips a beat and I feel that pain in my heart again. I shake it off quickly. I will not let him affect me. I won’t get hurt this time.

“No.” He says through his gritted teeth.

“Oh yes I am.” I say, turn around and start walking. I think I just challenged him. This chase is going to be interesting. I turn my head halfway around and give him a challenging smile.

Before he could do anything else, I hold Minjoon tightly and start running. I feel some commotion behind me and I can tell that he and his warriors are after me while mine are on their way to the prison. Good. It’s exactly like I planned.

It’s time for some action.


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