Chapter 34

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“I think we should go after him and look what’s the matter with him.” I suggest and try to get up from my chair but Sanae’s hand shoots us and she clutches my hand before I could move away.

“No. Leave him alone.” Sanae says her eyes still fixed the way Jungkook went away. Some people were looking at us to know what actually happened. I ignore them and take my seat. For some moments we sit in silence. I try to come up with something to strike a conversation with her but I couldn’t find anything to talk to her about.

“Taehyung, we need to –”

“Talk. I know. We will when we get home.” I say cutting her. I am frustrated deep down but I am not willing to show it, not here and not in front of Sanae. While I was away all day I have been thinking about yesterday night’s event. Things didn’t end up pleasant last night with the Fire Lady. I need to apologize to her. She is my grandmother, after all, the only blood relative I have left and I can’t upset her like this. I acted rudely with her last night but I have my reasons.

I want her to give Sanae a chance; I want everyone to give Sanae a chance. Everyone is assuming her to be bad because she comes from the enemy pack and because of her vocation. But they had to know and understand this that she didn’t choose to born there and neither did she choose the vocation. She was born into it and she was forced to do that. She is not as bad as a person. I sigh at my thoughts. The look my pack members are giving her definitely says that they are nothing but agitated by her presence. It will take them a hell lot of time to accept her.

Soon, I see Jin at the center of the room with Luna Eunae by his side who is holding little Jihee in her arms.

“They are here. Let’s go.” I say taking her hand which is cold to touch. I look at her and see a frown on her face. She looks pale.

“It will be okay. Trust me.” I say making an attempt to comfort her. She nods lightly her eyes sweeping the room. We get up from our chairs and move slowly.

“I have never done this before. I look... I feel vulnerable.” She says her voice hinting at her nervous state. I stop and look at her.

“Just think that you are here for a mission.”

“And what is its objective? To kill everyone here?” She says looking around. I let out a soft laugh.

“Everyone thinks that you are bad-”

“I know that I am bad.”

“You have to kill that thought. You have to show everyone that you are not what they think you are.”

“And how do I do that?” She asks with a crease forming on her forehead. I see small beads of sweat forming on her forehead and feel her palms sweaty.

“Just be yourself.”

“They won’t accept me, Tae.”

“Yes they won’t at first but they will if you try, trust me.” I say. I realize we have been standing at this corner of the room and whisper talking to each other. I like the closeness; it comforts Leo who has been whining all day for staying away from her. Right now he wants to reach out and help her too which is what I am trying my best to do. I look down at her and she looks up at the same time. Her eyes are glossy and I see some color in her cheeks. She is on the verge of crying and I do not want her to cry in this situation when I want her to be strong. So I take a step closer and hug her.

First, she did not react to it but then slowly she responds by burying her face into my chest and hugging me back. I sense her sniffing in my chest, probably taking in my scent which is good because it will help her to calm down which is what I really want now. I rub my hand on her back and kiss her forehead. Finally, she moves and I move away too. I take her hand again and lead her to the center of the room where the Alpha couple is waiting.

“Minjoon stop that.” I hear Luna eunae scold her son who is pouting and trying to put up with his puppy eyes.

“What is it?” I ask looking at the toddler who looks hell-bent to charm his mother into getting her to do whatever he wants to do.

“Oh hello, Taehyung. Minjoon wants to eat ice cream now.” Eunae says nodding towards the ice cream counter at the end of the big dinner table. “And hello Sanae. How are you doing? I should say you look absolutely stunning in that dress.” Eunae adds eyeing the dress my mate is wearing.

“I am fine and thank you Eunae.”

“And don’t panic everything will be alright.” Eunae says winking. I see Sanae’s face light up with a smile which makes me smile too. She nods at Eunae.

“Minjoon, get here now!” Eunae says to the toddler who is halfway to the ice cream counter. He stops at her command and pouts even more which leaves me wondering how his lips are still attached to his face.

“Eomma  pleeeaaasssee...” He says and puts on puppy eyes. If grim reaper was here to take his soul then seeing his eyes he might have left him and granted him some more extra years on earth. No one can deny those eyes and he knows that too well. He bats his eyelashes and this gets me laughing hard. He is really determined to get his hands on ice cream.

“Get here right now!” She commands again shifting little jihee to Jin’s arm, both enjoying the exchange between the mother and the son.

“Pretty pleeeaaassseee...” He tries again putting his hands together and dropping to his knees.

“No means no!” Eunae says her voice raising a little, hinting that she is already done with him. He gives up and comes back to his mother.

“You are grounded!” Eunae declares and Minjoon groans.

“Oh Minjoon, you can always have some ice cream later.” I assure him.

“Let’s start this.” jin says.

“Okay.” Eunae says as they climb on the stage.

“Are you ready?” I ask Sanae.


Thanks for reading and have a good day/night:)


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